Personal Narrative Unit Idea Gathering Personal Narrative Unit
Directions: Create a timeline of the ten most significant events of your life. Order it chronologically and write a brief summary of each event. I was born on my grandfather’s birthday. I ran away from home… to the library… on my little tikes bike. Helped my family deliver “secret santa” gifts for Christmas to a deserving family. I lived alone for the first time when I went away to college. I watched my grandmother die. We had to put my dog, Tony down. It was the first time I saw my dad cry. We had to call child services on my friend’s parents. Family Trip to Yellowstone – We drove the whole way! I went to my first “college party.” I married my husband.
Brainstorming Ideas The Biggest Lie I Ever Told… And Its Consequences Most Embarrassing Moment The Biggest Lie I Ever Told… And Its Consequences My Favorite Childhood Memory Tell Me the Story of One of Your Scars The Best Decision I Ever Made The Best Advice You Ever Received Moving Day Best Day Ever Worst Day Ever How Your Hero has Influenced You Weirdest Thing that Ever Happened to Me Your Special Skill and How You Developed It