Program Committee Update Co Chairs: Laurel Jacobs Cherilyn Yazzie
Topics that we have discussed: Social Marketing Campaigns April Partner’s Meeting Curriculum Approval Educational Reinforcement Items Portion Plate Handout Comments EARS Committee Updates Child Nutrition Reauthorization (CNR) Updates
Social Marketing We talked about the new FY11 campaigns Whole grains lean proteins We also talked about potential incentive items for these campaigns
Social Marketing Would it be possible to offer feedback on social marketing campaign materials before they are rolled out? Would it be possible to preorder materials if we know that we will utilize them in large quantities?
Social Marketing Would it be possible for partners to offer feedback on the type and amount of incentives that are ordered? There is concern that partners have developed lessons pertaining to incentives that then get discontinued without notice. Also, when will incentive items be reordered? Also, how can partners be notified when ordered items are out of stock? How will premium items be handled in the future to be sure that they do not crowd out room for other items?
Whole Grains Create 5-10 fact sheets (similar to the F&V Fact Sheets) on Whole Grains (common as well as less common – i.e. quinoa). Create/find a pocket guide to purchasing whole grains. Incentive Item Ideas: storage container, pasta strainer, magnets (showing a whole grain), bowl that shows a serving size (i.e. cereal), calendar that has a whole grain recipe every month, orange aprons (with ½ your grains whole message), popcorn popper. Misc. Incentive Items: Add the ½ your grains whole message to other regular incentives (i.e. lanyards, pencils, stickers, etc.)
Lean Proteins Incentive Item Ideas: can opener, cutting board, tongs, playing cards (shows a serving size & could have pictures of various proteins), egg timer, small scale, thermometer.
Social Marketing Partners want to see more materials related to gardening (specifically with the next F&V campaign). SNAP Participants may not know that they can buy seeds with their SNAP benefits. This could be done, if it was very high level (i.e. pointing out they can grow in containers on the patio and don’t need a full garden, etc.) Fitness Finders sells plastic charms & bracelets/necklaces/back pack tags. They have a MyPyramid pack (it will end up being less than $1 per pack), some on hydration, some on physical activity, etc. Some partners are already using these with their participants (the students LOVE them – boys, girls, any age).
Feedback on current social marketing materials White font is hard to read Go Low kids 2010 poster was great (interactive and the kids love it). F&V is good too, but the number of items to fill in were not as many as Go Low. Have similar interactive activities on the FFN for kids to do at home (i.e. a smaller version of the glass they can hang on the fridge and do with their family). Partners love the pre-orders for campaign incentives. 1) It ensures they receive some and 2) they like being notified of new items in the warehouse).
April Meeting (focus on lean proteins) Hold the meeting in Tucson Maybe get a speaker from the Cattlemen’s Association ASU just completed a research project on beans Doctor Martello from U of A (identifying lean meats, food safety, etc.). Coordinate a field trip to the Nutrition Village Farm in Tucson?
Curriculum approval Would it be possible to create a curriculum committee to assess curricula jointly at the state level? Is there a list of approved curriculum available? Why are USDA curriculum further reviewed by the state?
Educational Reinforcement Items Ideas Misc. Incentive Item Ideas: salad spinners, kids aprons, stretchy book covers, stainless steel water bottles, notebooks/binders
Revising the Portion Plate handout
Invitation You are cordially invited to attend our next program committee meeting in person at ADHS in Phoenix or by phone conference call You are also invited to give us program topics that you would like us to discuss at the program committee meeting Contact: Laurel or Cherilyn
Laurel Jacobs, MPH UA Nutrition Network Department of Nutritional Sciences P.O. Box Tucson, AZ Ph: 520/ Fax: 520/
Cherilyn Yazzie Navajo County Public Health Services 117 East Buffalo Street Holbrook, AZ Ph: 928/ ext. 18 Fax: 928/