A Series of Unfortunate Events Language Honors Class Spring 2010
Pre-reading Organizer Picture Clues I think this book is about three children that are poor. I think this book is about a brother and a sister. Clues from the Title and Heading I think this book is about bad day. I think this book is about three kids whose parents are dead. Other Clues and Ideas I think this book is about children and their parents. I think this book is about a poor family’s life. My Predictions About the Reading I think this book is about a poor family. I think this book is about a brother and sister. I think someone died.
Vocabulary Review Chapter One Words Translate and define Difficult Words: Violet Klaus Sunny Baudelaire Briny Beach Mr. Poe Read Chapter One
Class #2: Characters: Violet-oldest daughter inventing Klaus-son reading
Characters Sunny-baby biting Mr. Poe-bank coughing
Vocabulary use: Example: beginning – From book-In this book, not only is there no happy endings, there is no happy beginnings and very few happy things in the middle. My sentence: The beginning of the book is very interesting.
Chapter one: Your turn. Read loudly Do the best you can No laughing Unknown word: Try and move on
Pre-reading Organizer Picture Clues I think this book is about three children that are poor. I think this book is about a brother and a sister. Clues from the Title and Heading I think this book is about bad day. I think this book is about three kids whose parents are dead. Other Clues and Ideas I think this book is about children and their parents. I think this book is about a poor family’s life. My Predictions About the Reading I think this book is about a poor family. I think this book is about a brother and sister. I think someone died.
Chapter 2 Vocabulary Put in ABC order Difficult words Count Olaf Edgar Albert Fickle Fountain Doldrum Drive Justice Strauss
ABC Order A: Adopting Assortment B:
Chapter 2 Read Chapter 2 Draw Count Olaf
Chapter 3 Vocabulary Read, translate, and hangman Difficult Words: Gorgonzola cheese Puttanesca
Journal Writing TTQA Chapter 3 begins with, “I don’t know if you’ve ever noticed this, but first impressions are often entirely wrong. You can look at a painting for the first time, for example, and not like it at all, but after looking at it a little longer you may find it very pleasing.” Question to write on: What are your first impressions of Count Olaf? Do you think they will change throughout the book? Why or why not
TTQA: My first impressions of Count Olaf are _________________. I think my impressions will (not) change through out this book because ________.
Chapter 4 Vocabulary Read, translate, and bingo Difficult words: Bulbous (bulb like) Culinary-cooking Ladle-spoon Enrage-mad Weeping-cry
Chapter 5 Vocabulary Read, translate, and antonym Difficult Words: Troupe (actors)
Chapter 6 Vocabulary Read, translate, and synonym Difficult Words:
Chapter 7 Vocabulary Read, translate, and picture Difficult Words:
Chapter 8 Vocabulary Read, translate, table race (use in sentence or definition, etc) Difficult Words:
Chapter 9 Vocabulary Read, translate, and ‘Popcorn’ Pop up when you know the word Difficult Words:
Chapter 10 Vocabulary Read, translate, and complete list Give students a partial list of the words, the first to complete them wins Difficult Words:
Chapter 11 Vocabulary: Read, translate, One word jumble Students write all the words with no spaces, one complete word, switch put in dividers Difficult Words:
Chapter 12 Vocabulary Read, translate, dictate I say a word, they write it Difficult Words:
Chapter 13 Vocabulary Read, translate, Chorus Begin with one, say word aloud, next number says their word. Difficult Words:
The movie