The difference between “helpings” and “servings”
I’m young…Why should I have to worry about what I eat?
Americans have “evolved” into the fattest people in the world!
Obesity Trends Among U.S. Adults 1990 No Data <10% 10%-14% 15-19% 20-24% 25%
Obesity Trends Among U.S. Adults 1997 No Data <10% 10%-14% 15-19% 20-24% 25%
Obesity Trends Among U.S. Adults 2002 Source: Mokdad A H, et al. JAMA 2003;289:1Source: Mokdad A H, et al. JAMA 1999;282:16;2003;289:1 No Data <10% 10%-14% 15-19% 20-24% 25%
BMI in Adults and Children: Definitions PercentileAdultsKids > 95 th percentile Obese (BMI>30) Overweight 85 th -94 th percentile Overweight (BMI>25) At Risk of Overweight To be sensitive to the issue of a child’s self-esteem, the term “obesity” is no longer used in children and adolescents
Generation XXL
The Toxic Environment Unhealthful eating and lack of activity are the culprits!
Over time, our portions have become “distorted” What is the difference between a and a
15 Chocolate chip cookie Guess the calorie difference! 220 calories! 20 Years Ago 1.5 inch diameter Today 3.5 inch diameter 55 calories 275 calories
16 Guess the calorie difference! Cheeseburger 590 calories 20 Years Ago Today 333 calories 257 calories!
17 Soda Guess the calorie difference! 85 calories 20 ounces Today 6.5 ounces 20 Years Ago 250 calories 165 calories!
18 Pepperoni Pizza 20 Years Ago Today 500 calories850 calories Guess the calorie difference! 350 calories!
19 20 Years Ago 5 cups Popcorn Today 11 cups Guess the calorie difference! 270 calories 630 calories 360 calories!
Control your weight by knowing your serving sizes HELPINGS are “unmeasured” amounts of food SERVINGS are “measured” amounts of food Use VISUAL cues to help you choose the right amount of food to eat and control your calories
After this unit, you should be able to Visualize serving sizes Compare your “helpings” to actual “servings” Explain why it is important to pay attention to serving sizes of food