Yolanda Casas Kindergarten
The sense of Sight Take one minute to look at these pictures. Cover your eyes. Try to name them.
The Sense of Hearing We use our sense of hearing to listen to: A telephone Bells Can you think of anything else?
The Sense of Taste We use our sense of taste when we eat: Popcorn Cake Can you think of anything else?
The Sense of Smell We use our sense of smell when we: Hold a rose Drink coffee
The Sense of Touch We use our sense of touch for: Shaking hands Holding a leaf Playing with water
Review Questions How many senses do we have? Can you name them? Which part of your body gives you the sense of hearing? What part of my body and sense am I using when playing with water?
References KOL Jr: workHelp/Archive/homework-help- jr-social-studies-all-about-me Clip Art: Media Clip Sounds: