PERFORMERS’ RIGHTS IN TODAY’S EUROPEAN ENVIRONMENT: HOW TO ADAPT EXISTING RIGHTS TO NEW USES OF PERFORMANCES? Panel Discussion 1 – Webcasting, streaming, downloading….how does daily Internet use impact on the development of cultural content? 18 – 19 November 2010 James Lancaster, Head of Rights and Business Affairs, BBC Vision
2 Respondents were asked “If you could do one thing to change the BBC iPlayer, what would it be?” Technologies such as iPlayer have led the way in on-demand delivery of legitimate content services but audiences want more choice Vision
3 Pace of change accelerating for audience Media & platform convergence Acceleration in product and service innovation driven by: –Increased processing power and storage capacity, improved display technologies and the move to digital storage and transmission –Convergence of devices with communications services, applications and audiovisual content in combination Pre Audio/voice communication Moving image computing games & gaming Time Interactivity Source: Adapted from Gary Hayes, Oliver & Ohlbaum
4 IPTV platforms will throw up even more opportunity and challenge
5 Media consumption in the UK - Although linear still dominates, web usage is growing very fast Hours per day (now) TV: 4 Hours Radio: 3 HoursWeb: 0.6 Hours UK Media consumption trends - Index
6 iPlayer usage continues to grow Millions of requests In total the BBC iPlayer increased to 119 million requests for programmes across all platforms in August 2010, including both online platforms and devices and BBC iPlayer on Virgin Media TV. Confidential & Commercially Sensitive – Not for onward distribution
7 On-demand is predicted to grow to 20% of all viewing by 2012 Source: Oliver and Ohlbaum UK Television Viewing by window and technology –
8 Younger audiences are consuming less linear TV Source: Digital Homes Project analysis of BARB data/BARB/TRP. Ref: SR0023. All data based on BARB Q to Q with the exception of the latest data point which is Q Total Television, whole day, Mon-Sun. Born in the 1960s & 1970s Born in 1990 (Age 19) Born in 1985 (Age 24) Born in 1995 (Age 14) A similar picture is emerging in Radio according to recent “Share of Ear” research Total TV Consumption as viewers age Hrs/week Age
12 Latest version of iPlayer is designed to address changing audience consumption patterns Personalisation tools Social media Better search and ‘de-duped’ navigation Better branding Better ‘live’ Better editorialised choices
13 The BBC’s Archive strategy Archive Vision: “The BBC should set a course, through the end of this Charter period and well into the next, to deliver a radical transformation in the public's ability to search, discover and access the library of content which their licence fees paid to be created. This would by definition be an incremental, long-term project, and be based on a strategic mix of public and commercial activities, with strong partnerships in both sectors. The BBC would be guided by a belief that British culture and creativity should be as accessible as possible, both in the UK and in the global digital economy, and would be committed to partnering with others to achieve this.”
14 BBC Wildlife Finder ( Vision
16 Commercial Archive strategy will continue to be delivered through multiple routes Over 3,000 hours of content available commercially on-demand right now Confidential & Commercially Sensitive – Not for onward distribution
17 The BBC is a major rights holder and creator of intellectual property It is vital to protect the rights of creators This will sustain the incentive and the means for creativity to thrive Strong copyright protectionStraightforward access The BBC is a major user of rights It is vital to have efficient and cost effective systems in place to enable access to rights This will foster dissemination of creative ideas The BBC believes a copyright system fit for the digital world would balance strong copyright protection and straightforward access to copyright material We need a simple platform-neutral solution underpinned by legislation where appropriate – without this we risk in particular losing the drive behind the release of archive value and miss the opportunity to create a rich cultural resource of UK originated content Developing a copyright system for the digital world Vision