Golden Bell Quiz Show
1. What is the name of this flower? Sunflower ( 해바라기 ) 정답은 ?
2. A boy plants the sunflower ( ). He covers the ( ) with dirt. ① seed ② plant ③ flower ① seed 정답은 ?
3. What is it? It can fly. It is beautiful. It likes flower. It has marks on its wings. Butterfly( 나비 ) 정답은 ?
4. A butterfly egg is ( ). ① long ② small ③ big ② small 정답은 ?
5. What is it? This is a kind of animal. It has two long ears. It can run fast. Rabbit( 토끼 ) 정답은 ?
6. How's the weather? ① It's Monday. ② I'm 5 years old. ③ It's sunny. ③ It's sunny. 정답은 ?
7. There are many ( ) in the wood. Trees( 나무 ) 정답은 ?
8. What color is the grass? The ( ) grass grows all around. Green( 초록색 ) 정답은 ?
9. This is a part of the face. We use this for breathing and smelling things. What is this? ① arms ② nose ③ legs 4.eyes ② nose 정답은 ?
10. A tadpole changes as it grows. A tadpole grows into a ( ). Frog( 개구리 ) 정답은 ?
11. I carry a heavy bag full of gifts. I visit your house at night only on Christmas eve. My clothes are red with white fur. Who am I? Santa Claus( 산타클로스 ) 정답은 ?
12. When we look up, we can see this. There are clouds, the sun, the moon and stars here. What's this? Sky( 하늘 ) 정답은 ?
13. one-two-( )-four-five Write the answer in English. three 정답은 ?
14. What number do you call in a fire emergency? 119 정답은 ?
15. I'm green outside and red inside. I have stripes. I have black seeds inside. I'm more popular in summer. What am I? watermelon( 수박 ) 정답은 ?
16. I can fly, and I live in Neverland. My best friend is Tinkerbelle. Who am I? Peter Pan( 피터팬 ) 정답은 ?
17. This is the ( ) that Jack owns. House( 집 ) 정답은 ?
18. I can float in the ( ). water( 물 ) 정답은 ?
19. When it’s rain, you need this. It protect you from the rain, What is it? umbrella ( 우산 ) 정답은 ?
20. What is the next month after May? June(6 월 ) 정답은 ?
21. The cars must stop. What color is the traffic light? red( 빨강 ) 정답은 ?
22. How many colors are there in a rainbow? seven(7 가지 ) 정답은 ?
23. It is a flying insect that bites your skin to suck your blood. ① bee ② fly ③ mosquito ③ mosquito 정답은 ?
24. It is a safe place where you can keep money. You can take your money out again when you need it. ① bank ② school ③ library ① bank 정답은 ?
25. What day it it today? Tuesday( 화요일 ) 정답은 ?