A Crews Production
Rules: 1.Each team gets one chance to answer their question. 2.Each team will have a chance to choose a topic. 3.Each question that is answered incorrectly will still be up for grabs.
Founders Colonies Reasons for Colonization French and Indian War Puritans FINAL JEOPARDY
I saved the colony of Jamestown during the first winter by trading for food with the Powhatans. Who is…? Founders for $100
John Smith Back to Game
I am John Winthrop. I wanted to form a perfect Christian community. I was supposed to land in Virginia but landed in Massachusetts and formed the colony of….? What is…? Founders for $200
Plymouth Back to Game
I founded the colony of Maryland as a safe haven for Catholics. Who is…? Founders for $300
George Calvert or Lord Baltimore Back to Game
I convinced King George that a debtor colony would be a great way to make a barrier between Spain and the colonies. I formed the colony of Georgia. Who is…? Founders for $400
James Ogelthorpe Good Answer! Back to Game
I am a woman who was kicked out of Massachusetts by the Puritans. I helped Roger Williams found the colony of Rhode Island. Who is…? Founders for $500
Back to Game Anne Hutchinson
This colony is known as “The Lost Colony.” What is…? Colonies for $100
Roanoke Back to Game
New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island What is? Colonies for $200
New England Colonies Back to Game
The climate and soil in the Southern Colonies allowed for large plantations. For these plantations to be successful what was required for the work? What is…? Colonies for $300
Slaves Back to Game
What is…? Colonies for $400 This colony was named after Queen Elizabeth I.
Virginia Back to Game
What is…? Colonies for $500 This is the principal crop of the Middle Colonies.
Grain Back to Game
This city was home to witch trials in 1692 What is…? Puritans for $100
Salem Back to Game
The first settlement in Massachusetts was established by separatists and called Plymouth. The Puritans founded the second settlement and named it this. What is…? Puritans for $200 DAILY DOUBLE
Massachusetts Bay Colony Back to Game
What is…? Puritans for $300 The Puritans came to the New World in search of this.
Religious Freedom Back to Game
What is…? Puritans for $400 The Puritans believed in God’s involvement in everything. This is also called ….
Providence or Providential Back to Game
What is…? Puritans for $500 Puritans did not truly believe in religious freedom for all, but instead believed in this kind of religious freedom
Freedom of religion as long as it is what the Puritans say. Back to Game
Pennsylvania was founded for this religious group. What is…? Reasons for $100
Quakers Back to Game
What is…? Reasons for $200 Connecticut was founded for this reason.
Religious Freedom Back to Game
What is…? Reasons for $300 Virginia was founded to find this.
Gold and riches Back to Game
What is…? Reasons for $400 Georgia was founded as this kind of colony.
Debtors or Prison Colony Back to Game
What is…? Reasons for $500 New York was originally settled by the Dutch. England wanted to take it from them for this reason.
Economic control of the fur trade in the area Back to Game
What is…? F & I War for $100 The French and Indians were this in the war.
Allies Back to Game
What is…? F & I War for $200 The French and Indian War began as a struggle for control of this river.
Ohio River Back to Game
What is…? F & I War for $300 The French and Indian War was the first military experience for which future American hero?
George Washington Back to Game
Who is…? F & I War for $400 This was the ultimate goal of the war.
Back to Game Control of North America
What is…? F & I War for $500 The first conflicts of the war were fought near this present day US city.
Pittsburgh, PA Back to Game
Category: European Colonial Empires Make your wager
France, England, and Spain all had colonial claims in North America. What was the main motivation for the mother country in having colonies?