Department of Transportation Consideration of Potential City of Pasadena Position Related to SR710 Extension Alternatives Being Considered By Metro City Council Presentation December 10, 2012
Department of Transportation SR710 Extension Update The Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) is completing an Alternatives Analysis for the SR710 corridor Metro and Caltrans have initiated preparation of a Draft Environmental Impact Report/ Environmental Impact Statement (EIR/EIS) Final EIR/EIS will identify Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA) for the SR710 corridor “Local” means the region, not Pasadena 2
Department of Transportation Purpose and Need (draft) Need for the project derives from: Congestion on freeways, poor transit operations, and cut-through regional traffic on local streets in the area generally bordered by State Route 2and Interstates 5, 10, 210 and 605 – Metro/Caltrans, Nov 2012 Purpose of the project is to: Improve efficiency of the regional freeway and transit networks Reduce regional traffic congestion on local arterials Minimize mobile sources environmental impacts 3
Department of Transportation Study Area 4 Source: Metro Source: Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority
Department of Transportation Metro/Caltrans Schedule December 2012 – Alternatives Analysis Report December 2012 – Initiate Draft EIR/EIS February 2014 – Draft EIR/EIS comment period April 2015 – Final EIR/EIS certified May 2015 – Record of Decision 5 Alter. Analysis Draft EIR/EIS Public Comment Final EIR/EIS Record of Decision December 2012 February 2014 April 2015 May 2015
Department of Transportation Alternatives Analysis Status Five alternatives selected for continued study No Build TSM/TDM BRT LRT Freeway Tunnel 6 Source: Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority
Department of Transportation No Build (2035 RTP) 7 Source: Metro Source: Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority
Department of Transportation TSM/TDM Alternative Enhanced transit service Approximately 25% increase in regional service New Rapid Bus on Rosemead Avenue corridor Active transportation (bike paths) Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) To further improve traffic operations Travel Demand Management (TDM) strategies Rideshare, commute alternatives Intersection/Local Street improvements 8
Department of Transportation Source: Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority Bus Service Enhancements 9
Department of Transportation Active Transportation (Bike) 10 Class II = On-street striped bicycle lane Class III = On-street signed bicycle route Source: Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority
Department of Transportation ITS Improvements 11 Source: Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority
Department of Transportation Intersections/Local Streets 12 Source: Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority
Department of Transportation BRT Alternative (Incl. TSM/TDM) 13 Source: Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority Options under study for Pasadena
Department of Transportation LRT Alternative (Incl. TSM/TDM) Underground station Near Fillmore Gold Line Maintenance yard sites South Fair Oaks area Alhambra 14 Source: Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority
Department of Transportation Bus Feeder Concepts for LRT 15 Source: Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority
Department of Transportation Freeway Tunnel Alternative Options to be analyzed with and without trucks Freeway with/without TSM/TDM Freeway with/without TSM/TDM and tolls Freeway with/without TSM/TDM and BRT through the tunnel 16 Source: Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority
Department of Transportation BRT Concepts for Freeway 17 Source: Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority
Department of Transportation Air Quality Conformity SR710 Extension included in adopted 2012 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) Important element for achieving conformity with the State Implementation Plan for air quality Tolled tunnel used to maintain air quality over time Removing the SR710 Extension will make the RTP non-conforming unless replaced Penalty for not achieving conformity in RTPs Federal transportation funds are withheld except for a limited number of special project types 18
Department of Transportation Measure A Recap In 2001, Pasadena voters passed the Measure A initiative that declared: "The policy of the City of Pasadena favors completion of the 710 Freeway between the I-210 Freeway and the I-10 Freeway” (Measure A, §1) Measure A prohibits the City from taking a position against completion of the SR710 freeway that would connect the I-10 and I-210 Freeways Measure A does not limit City advocacy for or against other alternative freeways 19
Department of Transportation Measure A Options Comment on the aspects of the F-7 Tunnel project without formally opposing Submit to the voters the question of whether to oppose the F-7 Tunnel route Seek judicial determination as to whether Measure A constitutes a valid exercise of the people’s initiative power 20
Department of Transportation Recommendation 1.Find that the proposed actions are exempt from review pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section (b) (3); 2.Consider the potential impacts of SR710 alternatives, limitations imposed by Measure A, and whether the City should adopt a formal position in support of either of the following as the City’s preferred alternative: 21
Department of Transportation Recommendation (contd) A.Bus Rapid Transit line connecting from Alhambra to Pasadena generally along Fair Oaks Avenue, Colorado Boulevard, Hill/Lake Avenue and California Boulevard, provided realignment that resolves issues identified in Attachment A. B.Light Rail Transit (LRT) line connecting from Alhambra to Pasadena in an underground route generally along Fair Oaks Avenue with an underground terminus near Fillmore Street/Arroyo Parkway without the proposed maintenance yard on South Fair Oaks Avenue in Pasadena. 22
Department of Transportation Recommendation (contd) 3.Authorize the Mayor to send a letter to the Metro Board of Directors advising of the City's preferred alternative and concerns for adequate resolution of the issues listed in Attachment A; 4.Direct staff to Represent Pasadena as a Participating Agency for the SR710 EIS, Continue to represent Pasadena on the Technical Advisory Committee for the SR710 EIR, and Return to City Council with further recommendations as information becomes available 23
Department of Transportation Links to More Information Questions about Alternatives /SR710_FAQs_About_Alts.pdf /SR710_FAQs_About_Alts.pdf Questions about Trucks/Goods Movement /sr_710_faqs_goods_movement.pdf /sr_710_faqs_goods_movement.pdf SR-710 Study homepage