The 7 Virtues Guides for Life
Faith “Faith, apart from works, is dead.” A set of beliefs should affect how you live. All Christians are called to spread the faith. Faith is like trust
Hope Is necessary to continue in life Is based on the idea of faith Sustains people through discouragement and doubt Hope is linked to FAITH
Charity (Love) Charity is love in action Law is giving to others Love is the law of life from God Love is a choice
Prudence Is careful judgement Think before you act forethought
Justice The ability to see the needs and wants of others (LINKS TO PRUDENCE) Respect the rights of others where ever they are
Temperance Is balancing desires with responsibilities Sometimes refers to food, drink Self-control See the common good (needs of others) Balance
Fortitude (Strength) To be able to show firmness in bad times Able to resist temptation Strength “The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.”
The Seven Deadly Sins
Pride An unwillingness to look at our own faults and mistakes honestly Vanity Does not recognize the contribution of others to our successes Makes us blind to our own faults “Pride goes before the fall.”
Avarice (Greed) The desire for possessions beyond all need. Leads people away from being charitable Demonstrates an unwillingness to help other people
Envy (jealousy) The desire for what belongs to someone else Resenting the good others have acquired or received
Wrath The anger at real or perceived problems Can come from impatience or having our pride hurt
Lust Sexual craving beyond a healthy attraction Can be self destructive Turns those lusted after into objects
Gluttony Excessive eating and drinking that denies the natural limits of physical pleasures.
Sloth (Laziness) Is the lack of use of the gifts we have been given