Sounds of the forest
Topic: Our lesser brothers Kagosian A.K. Sochi gymnasium 16 Teacher of English New Millennium Form 10
Were animals born only to serve in the human community?
Man needed animals for tasks that required strength and speed. In the poorer and remote parts of the world beasts of burden are still widely used.
Man harnessed animals to work on his behalf: What for?
Horses, reindeer, mules, camels, donkeys for…
Cats for…
Llamas, sheep, goats for…
Oxen, buffaloes, yaks for…Oxen, buffaloes, yaks for…
Dogs for…Dogs for…
Rabbits for…Rabbits for…
Hens, ducks, geese for…Hens, ducks, geese for…
What are the reasons people keep exotic animals?
What can we do for them? Animal shelter Nature reserve Money donation Animal shelters Nature reserves Money donation
Homeless pets Help us!
You have to kill a whole elephant to get a little ivory.
Safari, hunting…Is it time of leisure or killing?
They are disappearing Take care of them!