Materially – high standard of living, ocean liners, cars, electricity Secular outlook on life Low death rate Low infant mortality rate European family pattern – smaller families Growth of urban centers and urban life
Immigration into various countries outside of Europe Migration within Europe Liberalism?
Use of steam power Growth of metallurgical industries Advent of the railroad Electricity Internal combustion engine Chemistry – creation of synthetic fibers Germany, Britain and France – major industrial powers
Advent of free trade Buying more imports than what you export British paid for imports with invisible exports – shipping and insurance Export of European capital – investment of profits into other parts of the world instead of back to workers Gold Standard – how did it affect debtor nations? Limited liability corporation
Established after loss in Franco Prussian War Conservatives vs Republicans Dreyfus Affair – bring down republic Domestication of republicanism
Advance toward an egalitarian political democracy very slow Reform bill of 1832 – granted the right to vote to about 1/8 th of people We will see Britain granting the right to vote to more and more people We will also see the rise of British Labor and Labor party during this time period Disraeli – Conservative Gladstone – Liberals – abandoned laissez faire and active state intervention
Kulturkampf – Battle against Catholics –uses liberals to wage “war” Abandons liberals – drops free trade and uses Catholics Repress socialism with active socialist legislation Realpolitik?
Rise and importance of labor unions Come about due to the extension of suffrage to lower classes British were most advanced in trade unionism They brought into being and led the Labor Party – they will be less socialistic than labor parties on the continent
Association with the crazy and violent Paris Commune Many will not want to be associated with this
Marxism will turn into parliamentary socialism Belief that workers or unions could work with the state to improve working conditions/wages Revisionist socialists – Marx might be wrong – class struggle might not be necessary Capitalism can be transformed
Charles Darwin – Origin of the species Social darwinism Changing views of Nature Sigmund Freud – The Interpretation of dreams – Impact on idea of rational individual Einstein’s Theory of Relativity – matter was transmutable Time, space and motion were not absolute in character, but relative
Held a low opinion of modern democratic societies Developed concept of superman – a new kind of noble being who would create new ethical values Rejected qualities of humility, patience, hopefulness, hope and love Encouraged qualities of danger, courage, intellectual excellence Critique of reason and rationality
Liberalism of John Locke, John Stuart Mill, - principle idea in liberty of the individual Contributed to growth of women’s rights Free trade Parliamentary democracy Eventually….universal male suffrage What happened???
Economic problems associated with capitalism leads to adoption of economic nationalism – tariffs, decline of free trade Growth of welfare state – active state intervention
Imperialism – Causes – Differences from earlier colonialism Highest stage of capitalism? Social Darwinism
Sick Man of Europe – Ottoman empire falling apart and the “scramble” to get the scraps Attempts at reform – Abdul Hamid – and backlash Russian invasion – Berlin Congress – mediate balance of power Egypt and the Suez Canal and British intervention and Egypt as protectorate
Livingstone and Stanley and the Congo Stanley and King Leopold and Congo Berlin Congress of 1885 – rules of conquest Friction between major powers – Fashoda Crisis between England and France Boer War in South Africa
British rule goes from India Company to direct rule
Open Door Policy Extraterritorial rights Spheres of influence Boxer Rebellion
Meiji restoration kicks out imperialists Japan becomes an imperialist nation itself Russo Japanese war – win!