CSCE 548 Secure Software Development Final Exam – Review
Project – Final Report Project Final Report – Electronic submission: April 25, 5:00 pm – Hard copy: April 25, :30 pm CSCE Farkas2
Final Project Format Title Author Abstract What you did in this paper 1. Introduction 2. Related work 3. Background information 4. Current research/development 5. Conclusions and Future Work 6. Group members’ contributions References CSCE Farkas3
5 Reading McGraw: Software Security: Chapters 1 – 9, Deadly Sins: 1. Chapter 1: Buffer overruns 2. Chapter 2: Format string problems 3. Chapter 3: Integer overflows 4. Chapter 4: SQL injection 5. Chapter 6: Failure to handle errors 6. Chapter 7: Cross-site scripting 7. Chapter 13: Information leakage 8. Chapter 14: Improper file access
Non-Textbook Reading NEW: – Secure Design Patterns, Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon, OLD: – Lodderstedt et. al, SecureUML: A UML-Based Modeling Language for Model-Driven Security, softech/papers/2002/0_secuml_uml2002.pdf softech/papers/2002/0_secuml_uml2002.pdf – B. Littlewood, P. Popov, L. Strigini, "Modelling software design diversity - a review", ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 33, No. 2, June 2001, pp , – I. Alexander, Misuse Cases: Use Cases with Hostile Intent, IEEE Software, vol. 20, no. 1, pp , Jan./Feb – B. Schneier on Security, – P. Meunier, Classes of Vulnerabilities and Attacks, Wiley Handbook of Science and Technology for Homeland Security, CSCE Farkas6
7 Final Exam April 25, 2012, 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm Room: 2A 15 Closed book – 1 page cheat sheet
19 deadly Sins Overview of the sin Affected languages Overview of the sin -- at the level of presentations, focusing on the text book How to detect? Best practices CSCE Farkas8
Sample Questions – 19 deadly sins Explain why casting operations may lead to integer overflows. Why is it dangerous to use “gets” to read input in C/C++ code? Recommend an alternate. What is the difference between attack patterns and taxonomy of programming errors? Indirect information flow may be created by inferences. Give an example of an unauthorized inference that cannot be controlled using traditional access control. Show an example code for SQL Injection. Explain the security problem. Why does a failed Windows impersonation create a security problem if not handled properly? Show the binary representations of the decimal numbers +70 and +80. Show their addition using an 8 bits register. CSCE Farkas9
Sample Questions Explain a way how buffer overruns occur. Which languages are the most vulnerable? Define covert and overt communication channels. Explain the 2 stages of the buffer overrun attack. Why do we have binary arithmetic operations that yield results different on paper than by a computer. Give an example. What type of access control Windows support? Give a common access control mistake in Windows environment. Should stored data be protected by the operating system security or by database management system security? CSCE Farkas10