Trends in Internal Communication and some thoughts about cultural implications for IC practitioners Steve Doswell Chief Executive, IoIC Past President, FEIEA
IoIC – a brief introduction Helping to build an emerging profession
Four key beliefs Internal communication is an emerging profession IC draws from several disciplines (HR, PR, OD, CM)... And this hybridity gives IC its distinctness IC and its practitioners are concerned with business success through effective communication. IC helps to inspire, engage, mobilise and develop people in organisations. We foster mutual understanding between people in organisations – that helps both to achieve their goals
The ‘Spine’ Qualifications: Accred- itation Programme Continuing Prof. development Competency/career mapping Setting Standards Assessment Awards and ratings Events Research/Publications Advocacy Insight M E M B E R S H I P Competent Professional Practice Training
Accreditation Framework New University of Central Lancashire MA in IC offers one module exemption for practitioners who hold IoIC Advanced Diploma MASTERS-EQUIVALENT PG DIPLOMA IN IC MANAGEMENT ADVANCED LEVEL FOUNDATION LEVEL Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 External academic accreditation KINGSTON University Designed/ delivered by IoIC Designed/ delivered by Kingston Meets IoIC curriculum
IC: benchmarking Awards competitions, reports, peer-to-peer visits
Internal communication in a European context Connecting Europe’s communicators… ROMCOM IoIC is a member of the FEIEA Federation
trends in internal communication
Why ?
… wonders of the world
… deadly sins
Deadly sins also available in men’s sizes…
trends in internal communication
High mediationFrom… Trends in internal communication - 1
Low/no mediation To…
ControlFrom… Trends in internal communication - 2
Moderation To…
BroadcastFrom… Trends in internal communication - 3
Jam To…
CommandFrom… Trends in internal communication - 4
Conversation To…
DoFrom… Trends in internal communication - 5
Advise To…
OutputFrom… Trends in internal communication - 6
Input To…
Trends in internal communication - 7 Top downFrom…
Trends in internal communication - 7 Viral To…
trends in internal communication
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