Dogs The animal shelter’s approximately have room for 90 or less dogs. In animal shelter’s they have to hold a stray dog for 48hrs, that’s the waiting period. If no one comes to get the dog then they take it in. Sometimes they don’t have enough kennel space for all the dogs they get.
Cats Animal shelter’s have room for 20 or less cats. Cats almost always had to be put to sleep because of the space, but the ones they thought were going to get adopted they let them stay. Some were only given a week to be adopted.
No-Kill Shelters No-kill shelters are just like the name they don’t kill animals, but they almost always run out of space to put the animals. They take care of the sick or aggressive animals that can’t be put up for adoption right away.
Kill Shelters Kill shelters take in animals that can be adopted and help them find a good home, but if the animals doesn’t get adopted after so long then they have to put them to sleep.