Wed, Nov 7 will be the last day to turn in note cards, outline, works cited page, letter of intent, and rough draft!!! Final copy due on Mon, Nov 12. If you don’t have a printer, you can send me your work as an attachment to my personal . I will print it for you!!! I’m only taking ten points off each assignment for late work!!!!
To relate characters, theme, and setting of the “Prologue” to historical, social, and economic ideas of the times. To recognize any errors in rough draft for International Research project.
Journal Work on character chart and “Dinner with the Pilgrims” chart. While students are working, I will meet with each of you who have rough draft to discuss your work.
Lust Avarice (greed) Sloth (laziness) Pride Envy Gluttony anger
Which of the seven deadly sins do you think people today are most guilty of? Explain with examples. You may discuss more than one.