Tech Steps Project By Mrs. Capron’s 4 th Period Class A Dynamic Journey through the structure and elements of PLOT.
Plot is the arrangement of events in a literary work. This simple plot structure is common to many stories, even movies! There are six main components to plot, and you can understand them better if you think of them in a figure like this: Exposition Rising Action Climax Falling Action Resolution Conflict is the problem at the root of the story.
Elements of Plot Exposition – The situation is explained and characters introduced. Rising Action – Events moving toward a high point of action. Conflict – A struggle develops between two opposing forces. Climax – Events reach a turning point. Falling Action – events following the climax that lead to the ending. Resolution – The outcome of the conflict is settled. From Prentice Hall’s Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes Bronze Level p. 665
Reading a story is kind of like climbing a mountain. In Exposition, you meet the characters and learn a little bit about what is going on. In Rising Action, things are heating up, and the conflict is explored. At the climax of the story, the conflict (problem) reaches a turning point. Battles are fought, bad guys beaten, etc. In Falling Action, the story ‘wraps up’ toward the ending. In Resolution, the bad guys are beaten or the problem is solved, and the characters settle back in to regular life.