Tips for starting a Men’s Ministry in your Corps. MAN UP Helps Tips for starting a Men’s Ministry in your Corps.
Some Words of Encouragement Men today need help. The world is constantly waging a war with our minds, bodies and ultimately our souls. One of the best ways to help each other is to meet on a regular basis. It can be weekly or monthly or quarterly. It can be at your Corps. It can be at your house. One thing for sure you do need a regular Bible Study for men. It will change your lives and bring a positive influence in your community. You will find some good helps on the next few pages that will guide you in this important process of starting a Men’s Bible Study.
Model for Men’s Ministries Men’s Fellowship Club – Traditional in Set Up Sports Ministry Team – Athletic Teams are an outreach Evangelistic Team – Bridge Building to ARC/Shelter Worship Service Team – Ushers, Parking, Counseling Boys Ministry Team – Father Son events, Scouts, AC Mission Teams – EDS, Mission Projects, Canteen Prayer Teams – Prayer Group, 24/7 Prayer Warriors
How to Start a Men’s Bible Study Get Key Men Involved and give them a job Group Leader – teaches the study each week. Also acts as the facilitator to keep things moving. Assistant Leader – takes over if leader is gone. This also helps meetings to happen on a regular basis. Food Coordinator – every group needs food. It attracts new men and gives them an excuse to come. Prayer Warrior – Leads a prayer time at each meeting. Prayer is an essential part of every group. Interest Group Leader – the group needs to do something fun each month or quarter. Variety is the spice of life. This is an opportunity to bring new guys into the group.
What to do for your first meeting Open the group by setting down some ground rules. Have each person make a promise to attend regularly. Ask each person to accept a role in the group . Here is an example of a Small Group Covenant: I agree to : Be regular in my attendance. Let the leader know when I cannot be here. I will keep things in this room as confidential. I will respect the others in my group. I will be friendly to all men in this group. I will do something in this group. I will set aside time each week for prayer and study. Signed _____________________ Date ___________________
Some How To’ s How do I get the guys to talk in my group? The meeting leader needs to try and keep the discussions moving along and do not be afraid to ask a guy to respond who has been very quiet. As the leader you need to be open and transparent and that will encourage others to do the same. It is follow the leader. How do I get guys more involved? Give them something to do. Someone to bring snacks. There may be someone who can lead and you coach them ahead of time and are there that night to help them. Get someone to set up ahead of time. You might look for different guys to host it at their home and they provide the snacks when it is at their home.
More How To’ s How do we keep a group going? What if men stop coming? Do not be afraid to contact them. First try email. Next try a friendly phone call. Next stop by for a visit or take a friend of theirs with you. Lots of times there are other reasons men stop coming: Busy at work. Family Commitments. Reach out in love and you will see good results. How do we keep a group going? Before you finish your first study have a few ideas and ask the guys in the group to pick the next topic. If you involve them in the group study decision they will be more engaged and likely to continue. Also do not be afraid to stop over the summer or holidays or have just fun events during those times.
Final Thoughts Do not be afraid to start this group. Men are wanting this kind of fellowship with all their hearts. They simply do not know how to talk about it. We all need each other in order to survive in this world system that tears us down and apart at every turn. The secret? Men’s Bible Studies. Interest Group Outings. Good Food , Fun and Fellowship. Real Sharing and accountability to other men who know what living a Christian life is all about. Now it is time to MAN UP!