Apuntes de noviembre Los reflexivos recíprocos (reciprocal reflexives) A reciprocal action is when two people are doing the same thing to each other. For example, when you shake someone’s hand, that person is shaking your hand at the same time. You’re shaking each other’s hand. This is true with all reciprocal actions – they involve at least two people, and often only two. English uses the expression “each other” to express this idea.
Mi amigo y yo nos abrazamos. My friend and I hug each other. Vosotros os abrazáis. You guys hug each other. Uds. se abrazan. You guys hug each other. Ellos/ellas se abrazan. They hug each other.
Verbos recíprocos comunes: abrazarse: to hug (each other) amarse: to love (each other) ayudarse: to help (each other) besarse: to kiss (each other) conocerse: to meet (each other) (for the first time) darse la mano: to shake hand encontrarse: to meet (each other) (planned meeting) odiarse: to hate (each other) saludarse: to greet (each other) verse: to see (each other)