Cyrenna B. Villegas 8/8/13 Content NEW Agreement Revision Modifications Location AND Current vs. New revision Components How to Populate (AISD & Contractor) Summary of Required Signatures Agreement Process Flow AISD Execution Additional Forms/Forms Completion Table
Cyrenna B. Villegas 8/8/13 Revision Modifications Standard Service Agreement (SSA) Allows you to define Type of service being procured (Contracted or Consulting Service) Defines Ownership of Work (Exhibit A, Statement of Work, page 4) Clarifies need for Confidentiality (Exhibit A, Statement of Work, page 4) Calculate Basis of Fee (Exhibit B, Basis of Fee, page 5) Combined the TWO Contractor Certification forms into one page (Exhibit c, Notification of Criminal History Of Contractor, page 7) Added HR and Legal approved instructions for Criminal History Record Requirements (Exhibit D, page 8-9)
Cyrenna B. Villegas 8/8/13 Added form for Vendors use to record covered workers (Exhibit D.1, Covered Workers List, page 11) Added internal and external contact information (Exhibit E, Contact Information for Notices, page 12) Provides instruction for completion throughout (Additional Instructions & Definitions, pages Invoicing and payment (Applicable to BOTH Contractor and District) Campus Security Requirements for Contractors Types of Agreements Agreement Definitions Format will be used when we go paperless Revision Modifications cont.
Cyrenna B. Villegas 8/8/13 Location and Components AISD Contract & Procurement Online Library Revision 2/01/11 Twelve pages: Eight – agreement including Suspension Debarment Four – Contractor Certification forms 1 A and 1B Revision 08/07/13 Fifteen pages: Three – Terms and Conditions and AISD signature Nine – Exhibits Three – Additional Instructions & Definitions Standardized verbiage- provisions, contractor, document names Allows you to identify what type of services you are procuring NEW
Cyrenna B. Villegas 8/8/13 How to Populate the SSA Terms and Conditions, Page1: Record PR # or RFP # if known Select the service agreement type (Definitions are also included in the Additional Instructions & Definitions, Types of Agreements, page 13) Enter name of Contractor Enter start and end dates of agreement Enter compensation rate (this should include travel fees) Reference to Exhibit B- Basis of Fee.Contractor to detail fees OR you can attach a fee schedule. PAGE 2 contains Terms and Conditions. NOTE: the agreement name, revision number and date.
Cyrenna B. Villegas 8/8/13 How to Populate – cont. Terms and Conditions, Page3: Contractor to print and sign name*. They Need to record their Title and date. (Note: if Contractor has made any changes AKA redlines on the Terms and Conditions (pages1-3), do not sign agreement. Forward to Contract and Procurement for Legal review. Such changes should be recorded on Exhibit A, Statement of Work under Special Provisions). Campus Principal or Department Director Signs AFTER Contractor returns agreement After AISD initial (Principal or Director) signature- route to Contract and Procurement for further review and routing. *See Summary of Required Signatures page For all required signatures by Contractor and AISD
Cyrenna B. Villegas 8/8/13 How to Populate – cont. EXHIBIT A, Statement of Work, Page 4: Originator may record scope of work being performed as dates of service OR may attach a quote for service OR reference proposal Information. Contractor may record special requirement needs from AISD (Rooms, technology, etc.). Changes aka redlines can be recorded in the Special Provisions section. Please note the Special Provisions require Legal review.
Cyrenna B. Villegas 8/8/13 How to Populate – cont. EXHIBIT B, Basis of Fee, Page 5: Contractor may use this form to record their fees OR you may attach the Contactor’s fee schedule if different or in addition to their quote.
Cyrenna B. Villegas 8/8/13 EXHIBIT B.1, Debarment, Suspension and Ineligibility Certification, Page 6: Required signature on behalf of Contractor If agreement amount $25K or greater. How to Populate – cont.
Cyrenna B. Villegas 8/8/13 How to Populate – cont. EXHIBIT C, Notification of Criminal History of Contractor, Page 7: Contractor needs to review document and If they select the status of their company. * Their signature is required twice
Cyrenna B. Villegas 8/8/13 EXHIBIT D, Contractor Certification Form, Page 10: Contractor is to review previous pages (8 &9) and Complete the Contractor Certification Form. This includes selecting company status and signing. How to Populate – cont.
Cyrenna B. Villegas 8/8/13 How to Populate – cont. EXHIBIT D.1, Covered Worker List, Page 11: IF the Contractor has covered workers as defined AND illustrated in Exhibit D, they will need to complete AND sign this form. The completed form is to ED to the address circled. DO NOT accept this form. IMPORTANT This is a NEW requirement in Contracts. It is designed to support HR in the collection of Contractor Information for background checks. It is a requirement in order to complete the processing of the agreement AND approving the PR. Please encourage Contractors to complete and submit if required.
Cyrenna B. Villegas 8/8/13 How to Populate – cont. EXHIBIT E, Contact Information for Notices, Page 12: Please be sure to have the procurer of the services complete the AISD side (left). Contractor to complete the Company Information Fields (right). Most POs are being sent electronically. Contractor needs to select their preference.
Cyrenna B. Villegas 8/8/13 Summary of Required Signatures Specified PageContractorAISD Principal or Director Page 3- Terms and ConditionsYes Exhibit B.1-Debarment, Suspension, and Ineligibility Certification Yes- ONLY IF agreement $ amount $25K or greater N/A Exhibit C- Notification of Criminal History of Contractor Yes- Two spots and check one boxN/A Exhibit D- Contractor Certification Page 10 YesN/A Exhibit D.1- Covered Workers List * Yes- This form is to be completed and ED by Contractor to the address recorded on page. DO NOT accept at campus/dept. level. NA Exhibit E –Contact Information for Notices YesYes- record the person procuring the service. * Please note that the Covered Workers List is a required part of the agreement. Encourage Contractor to complete if required and submit in a timely fashion.
Cyrenna B. Villegas 8/8/13 AISD Signatures Only authorized individuals to sign agreement- Principal of campuses and Departmental Directors All agreements require AT LEAST two (2)signatures on behalf of AISD
Cyrenna B. Villegas 8/8/13 Additional Forms If agreement/contract $10K OR greater: Contract Authorization Request Form (CAR) Superintendent’s Abstract for Correspondence Form If service was rendered WITHOUT AISD authorization: Unauthorized Purchase Request Ratification Form (UPR)
Cyrenna B. Villegas 8/8/13 Forms Completion Table Type of Agreement$ Amount Quotes Require d (CAR) Contract Authorization Request form Superintendents Abstract for Correspondence Form * Independen t Contractor Form Legal reviewUnauthorized Purchase Request Consulting Agreement$0 K < $9,999K 1If contractor is using ssn Any changes to the standard formatted agreement If service has occurred prior to PO being issued to Contractor Consulting Agreement** $10k < $49,999 3Yes If contractor is using ssn Any changes to the standard formatted agreement If service has occurred prior to PO being issued to Contractor Contractors AgreementYes Before any other action Interlocal**0- anyYes Always Memorandum of Understanding** (MOU) 0- anyYes Always Co operative**0- anyYes Always * If the Consulting agreement $ amount or document type requires the Superintendent’s signature, the forms must be accompanied with the Abstract for Correspondence (located on Superintendent’s Intranet page). ** You will work directly with your schools assigned Procurement Specialist to complete these agreements
Cyrenna B. Villegas 8/8/13 Agreement Process Flow Remains the same in paper format Process flow overview -Offer from Vendor -Drafting Document Internally -Send to Vendor for signature -Campus/ Department Approval (Principal or Director signatures) -Route to Contract and Procurement for review and continued signature routing -Document Storage and Retrieval (C & P Role)
Cyrenna B. Villegas 8/8/13 If you have additional questions. Please feel free to contact me This presentation is already on our NEW website.