Drug Culture Warm Up www.pollev.com/hackney What does the word “culture” mean? How would you describe your culture? After responding join www.todaysmeet.com/soms3
The Truth About Drugs Our Drug Culture What is culture? The beliefs and activities that are common to members of a group Ideas people have about art, religion, family, and government What is Drug Culture? Refers to the lifestyles of people who abuse drugs, dress, and behavior common to abusers of drugs.
The Truth About Drugs Our Drug Culture PSA E Party All Night Love Lost Medicine Chest Focus What are some examples of ideas or actions that are part of the drug culture?
The Truth About Drugs Our Drug Culture The Truth About Drugs Booklet Read “Our Drug Culture” (pg 3-5) Respond on todays meet
The Truth About Drugs Why Do People Take Drugs? In your opinion, what are the 3 main reasons that people use drugs?
The Truth About Drugs Why Do People Take Drugs? Truth about drugs booklet Read pages 6-9
The Truth About Drugs Why Do People Take Drugs? PSAs Rate how true you think each one is On a scale of 1-10 Popular Best High Tripping One of the Guys
The Truth About Drugs How do drugs work and how do they affect the mind? Watch the following PSAs. What are two ways that drugs affect the mind? Just Once One Hit Stay Up and Study Sniffing
The Truth About Drugs How do drugs work and how do they affect the mind? Of all the PSAs we watched. Which one has the biggest impact on you personally? Why? Respond on todays meet then put iPad up