Providing Effective Information, Advice and Guidance Pat Rosser Rosser & Terrier Ltd
Introductions Please tell us : Your name Where you work What client group you work with If you have previously been discussing part- time and distance learning HE with clients
The Challenge Facing Advisers Universities moving towards a more flexible approach to HE study Many more options available Where to get the information
The Challenge Facing Advisers More prospective students from all ages and walks of life Explaining the options Helping clients to make the right decisions
What is meant by: Full-time study Part-time study Flexible learning Distance Learning Work based learning In House Bite Sized
Advantages of This Type of Study Still able to earn Fits in with work and home life Open Access Possibility of accreditation for any relevant experience or previous qualifications - this is called AP(E)L More support for Students with study skills
Disadvantages of This Type of Study Can take longer Hard work Usually have to give something up to make room for the study Need buy in from employer and family
Who Takes These Courses? Only 9% are under 22 64% are Female Two thirds have family responsibilities 80% are employed From Times Higher Education No
Why Do They Study? Biggest group are pursuing professional qualifications, HE certificates and short courses 80% cannot afford to quit work Motivation is to realise a career goal More than half need a higher qualification to progress at work From Times Higher Education No
Other Reasons to Study Later in Life Fulfilling dreams Making up for lost educational opportunities Longevity – Use it or lose it Role model for children Confidence Enjoyment and satisfaction Meeting like minded people Playing the long game Empowerment
What Should We Help Potential Learners to Consider? Their Motivation There is one quality that one must possess to win, and that is definiteness of purpose, the knowledge of what one wants and a burning desire to achieve it. A quote from Napoleon Hill
What Should We Help Potential Learners to Consider? Goals 1.Encourage your clients to set short, medium and long term goals 2.Ensure they are SMART goals 3.Write a plan
What Should We Help Potential Learners to Consider? Work life balance Finances Time management Childcare and family commitments Written English Disabilities Support from family, employer, friends
Thank You Pat Rosser Director of Workplace Solutions Rosser & Terrier Ltd