OFFICERS President: Ricardo Reboso President-Elect: Michael Gonçalves Vice Presidents: Samantha Suarez-Burgos- Clinical Competitive Events Daniella Martinez- Practical Competitive Events Secretary: Carolina Ruiz Treasurer: Mercy Perez Parliamentarian: Fernando Yzquierdo Historian: Maria Sotolongo Assistant Historian: Sarina Prado Activities Director: Jordan Caroll Reporter: Krista Alles Conference Manager: Alexis Valcarcel Committee Heads Fundraising: Bailey Reidy Community Service: Athena Ortega Career Development: Kianna Bruzzo HOSA Week: Seiko Hosoki Team Development: Jason Simm
GENERAL INFO Meetings are every 4 th Thursday of the month. You are only allowed two absences. If you cannot make it to a meeting please us in advance with your reason. Seniors: HOSA scholarships/alumni info is on the TERRA HOSA website
CLUB FEES Club Dues Total: $50 Region: $14 State: $12 National: $10 TERRA HOSA: $14 Sponsorship letter is on the TERRA HOSA Website. Let us know if you have any fundraising ideas! Collection Date: Monday, September 28 You must pay to be a member!
IMPORTANT EVENTS – SAVE THE DATE!! HOSA WEEK: Nov 1-7 Online Testing: Nov 16-Dec 4 Test Results: Jan 8 Regoinal Comp. events: Jan Lindsey Hopkins Awards Breakfast: Feb Doubletree-Airport States: April Orlando Nationals: June Nashville, Tennessee
COMPETITIONS You can find a list of all the competitive events and their guidelines here: START RESEARCHING COMPETITIONS! You’ll need to know which competitions interest you for your application, so start looking ASAP. There’s a file on the club website that contains personality quizzes and other tools to help you discover your ideal competition! There is a competition for practically everything, so look around and see which one suits you best. Some competitions are teamwork events.
UNIFORM Boys: Black or Navy Blue Suit White dress shirt Burgundy tie Black dress shoes Girls: Black or Navy Blue Suit Trousers or skirt (SKIRT NOT RECOMMENDED) Skirts must be knee-length. Black flats or heels (Should be comfortable, we do lots of walking!) White dress shirt/ blouse Burgundy scarf and panty hose is optional
APPLICATIONS Club Applications are on the TERRA HOSA website. Print out the completed application and turn it in to Mrs. Brodermann, Mr. Rojas, or any HOSA Officer no later than Tuesday, September 22. Competition Placement will be posted online by Friday, September 25. We will try our best to assign you to your first or second choice for competition.
CONTACT US Website : Facebook: TERRA HOSA REMIND 101: With the