Making your Voice heard at EU level Léonie Knox-Peebles, Head of Advocacy, PlasticsEurope 19 April 2011.


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Presentation transcript:

Making your Voice heard at EU level Léonie Knox-Peebles, Head of Advocacy, PlasticsEurope 19 April 2011

2 Agenda Representing PlasticsEurope members’ interests at EU level Our mission and deliverables What does it take? Concrete examples

3 Representing members’ interests Monitor EU developments of interest and inform members Inform the Commission of the above Keep informed of national initiatives/trade barriers affecting our sector Influence/propose amendments to legislation Inform the Commission of results of our scientific studies Plastics Europe EU Members NPAs/ Chambers of Commerce 1 45

4 Agenda Representing PlasticsEurope members at EU level Our mission and deliverables What does it take? Concrete examples

5 To ensure the plastics industry’s interests are taken into account Being recognised by EU as the voice of the plastics industry Confidence of plastics industry in PlasticsEurope as a reliable partner Our mission Timely communication to the members regarding initiatives of potential impact on their core business Timely submission of well-prepared position papers/views, backed-up by scientific and business facts, to the European Commission, Parliament and Council Our deliverables

6 Agenda Representing PlasticsEurope members at EU level Our mission and deliverables What does it take? Concrete examples

7 What does it take? Understanding of members’ business What is important for our members? What are the key subjects (environment...) What are the applications (using plastics) In-depth knowledge of EU structure and working methods Decision-making process At what stage can you influence? How do you present your arguments? What are the do’s and don’ts A dedicated organisation A pan-European network allowing Plastics Europe to constantly “watch the market” Experienced resources on key subjects (law, science, political, economic...)

8 BRUSSELS Headquarters A pan-European organisation

9 Agenda Representing PlasticsEurope members at EU level Our mission and deliverables What does it take? Concrete examples

10 Restriction of the use of certain Hazardous Substances in EEE (Recast of Directive) 1.clarification of the scope Annex III on substances for priority review (incl. HBCD) new substances prohibited 5.Annex IV (prohibited substances) to be reviewed using methodology based on REACH Context PE contribution 1.Monitor + influence discussions at EU + national level 2.Give visibility to concerns + potential impact on industry (EP event, views, letters, face2face meetings) 3.Build network of allies (Cefic, ECVM, EuPC, Orgalime, DigitalEurope, etc.) Results 1.No additional substances listed in Annex IV 2.Deletion of Annex III with the 4 substances listed in the EC proposal put in a recital 3.Coherence with REACH methodology Issues Draft report by European Parliament 1.Places 7 new substances in Annex III for priority review (incl. BPA, BFRs) 2.Adds the 4 EC Annex III substances to Annex IV + PVC alignment with methodology in REACH for substances restrictions 1.Influencing EU legislation: The RoHS Directive

11 2.Influencing national legislation: Cooperation with Chamber of Commerce PE contribution 1.Put forward concerns to the EC during standstill period 2.Sent letter to Slovenian Minister outlining situation in other MSs and arguments against unjustified increase in the environmental tax Results 1.Decrease in Eco-tax on PVC packaging from 1500 PU/kg to 300 PU/kg Issues 1.Increase in eco-tax on PVC packaging from 1 PU/kg to 1500 PU/kg 2.Increase only applies to PVC packaging  unjustified and discriminatory Context 1.Slovenian Decree on the Environmental tax on the generation of packaging waste 2.Notified to EC 3.Lobbying already taking place at national level through Chamber of Commerce

Thank you for your attention!

13 3. Plastic Bags – an EU-wide issue Expected Results PE contribution to date 1.Views on Italian ban 2.References to Life Cycle Assessments 3.Face2face meetings with EC 4.Building allies with retailers Issues 1.EC drafting Green Paper on Plastics in the Environment Context 1.Initiatives re. Plastics bags being discussed in all MSs 2.Recent ban on non-biodegradable bags in Italy  Plastic bags now on EU agenda