sold catsold cat sold 100 sharessold 100 shares DDA4761-DDA4761- sold emnsold emn sold 100 sharessold 100 shares DDA4774-DDA4774- A F2A5048-F2A5048-
The stock market game was a game that teaches us about stock prices, and how to buy an sell stocks. We had 10 team we meet in Mrs. Huggins class room my team was group 4. and the way you played the game was you could only buy 3 stocks and 100 shares of that stock.
When the sixth grade and I played the stock market game and things that messed up the prices was the news. The news said some things about the weather and what they said it would make the stock prices go down well a lot of the stock prices did go down because, of the weather. The other reason would be that they want down because people would stop buying goods for a longgggg time and that would bring the stock prices down really low. Over the winter people would buy a couple of things but, they want but a lot and the stuff they bought was cheap so they didn’t get much money from that stuff!! So, that is why stock prices are so low!!!
Date Tick er Co st Shares Bought Sub Total Broker fee Buy or Sell 2% or 0.02 Selling Tot al Co st Confirmation Number 2/1/2008 CO KE I5A /1/2008SEE26100I5A /8/2008CAT A3A /8/2008 EM N DZA /20/2008ALB45100VIA /20/2008 AM T100S2A /20/2008ATT A /27/2008 WM T50100H4A /27/2008 sell cok e sold 100 sharesY1A /27/2008 sell alb sold 100 sharesA6A1271- sold catsold cat sold 100 sharessold 100 shares DDA4761-DDA4761- sold emnsold emn sold 100 sharessold 100 shares DDA4774-DDA4774- A F2A5048-F2A5048-
I have learn how to rate my stocks, I have also learn how to buy and sell more stocks. And the laptops helped us by letting us do thing with out going through a lot of trouble doing it we could just pull out our laptops and work on them!!!