Strategy for Conservation of the Amur Tiger in Russia Strategy target – define the mechanisms of sustaining viable population of the Amur tiger at a number of no less than 500 with maximal genetic diversity in the Russian Federation Strategy goals: Sustain existing population Identify the mechanisms of preserving the population under growing human pressure on ecosystems Minimise negative impact of human activities on tigers
3 Immediate measures on tiger conservation as identified by the Strategy International cooperation : Participation in Global Tiger Initiative Establishment of international transboundary reserves for tiger protection Coordination of activities aimed at combating smuggling and trade in tiger products Coordination of scientific programmes and facilitation of collaboration of tiger experts from various countries Continuation of collaboration in managing tigers in captivity under European EAZA and North American AZA programmes
4 Immediate measures on tiger conservation as identified by the Strategy Improvement of legislation : Reinforce administrative and criminal responsibility for killing the tigers and smuggling its parts and derivatives Ensure responsibility of those involved in illegal trade of tiger skins and use of internet resources for advertising trade in tiger parts as well as private possession of tiger parts Limit timber harvest in the tiger range Limit harvest of tiger prey base.
5 Immediate measures on tiger conservation as identified by the Strategy Improvement of PAs management : Ensure effective functioning of PAs in the tiger range, enlarging their territories to a maximal extent, improving enforcement regime Establish new PAs in key tiger habitats, including the national park “The Land of Leopard” Establish ecological corridors connecting PAs in key tiger habitats with limitations on adverse impacts on those Establish buffer zones around the PAs in order to minimize negative impact on tiger habitats
6 Immediate measures on tiger conservation as identified by the Strategy Increase the effectiveness of tiger protection outside the PAs : Development and implementation of key habitat protection system Limitation of human activities in key habitats Prevention of human-tiger conflicts and related kills Ensuring effective operation of special inspection “Tiger” Increase number of ungulates as a prey base through increased efficacy of game management Improve control and enforcement on illegal trade in tiger skins and other tiger derivatives, control of related markets, including that realized through the web and other media
7 Immediate measures on tiger conservation as identified by the Strategy Scientific research : Identification of key tiger habitats Study on current tiger range, species dynamics and key influencing factors Study on the role of natural and human caused factors influencing the numbers and habitat change of tigers Study on sexual, age and other population’s parameters, and spatial and seasonal distribution Study on nutrition, prey base availability, prey population dynamics and distribution patterns Tiger monitoring programme according to an agreed methodology, presenting the results on a web in public domain
8 Immediate measures on tiger conservation as identified by the Strategy Public awareness : Development and implementation of target awareness campaigns within the tiger range in order to build a symbolic image of the tiger Increase professional knowledge among decision makers and officials of the natural resource sector Dissemination of the Code of Conduct in Tiger Habitats among local people Preservation of indigenous knowledge and culture facilitating tiger conservation Promotion of preservation of large tracts of mixed pine and broad leafed forests as primary tiger habitats Propagation of intolerance to poaching
Effective implementation of the Strategy is is ensured by standing collaboration between: authorities at all levels, scientific, research and other organisations involved in studying wildlife, NGOs with active involvement of citizens Government of the Russian Federation holds main responsibility for the effective conservation of the Amur tiger in the Russian Federation. Partners in Strategy’s implementation
10 Strategies for Conservation of the Amur Tiger in Russia Approved: 1996 – 1 st Edition of Strategy for the Amur Tiger Conservation in Russia Revised Strategy (2010): Conservation measures extended Limitations on timber harvest introduced and game management regulations adjusted Liability for poaching, illegal trade increased Hence the new Strategy ensures necessary measures for the well-being of tiger population and its habitat – New Strategy for the Amur Tiger Conservation in Russia is approved by the Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation
Global Tiger Recovery Program based on National Tiger Recovery Programs (in Russia - Strategy for the Amur Tiger Conservation in Russia approved in July 5, 2010) Draft Global Tiger Recovery Program must be finalized by the Governments of the Tiger range States The Tiger range States should appoint the focal points for aforementioned process The Russian Federation would welcome the proposals from Tiger range States to lead the process and at the same time is prepared to volunteer for taking this task further Global Tiger Recovery Program