Solar Energy Kayla Burton and Emily Margewich
Primary Energy Source The Sun.!
History August Mouchout- first man to use solar energy Changed it into steam engine. Charles Fritz- Turned suns rays into electricity.
Geographic Distribution Distribution depends on… latitude Season Time of day Most favorable belt… 15°N and 35°N Greatest amount radiation Small rainfall Less cloud coverage
Continued Moderately favorable belt Equator and 15°N Humidity is high Cloud coverage is frequent Less favorable belt latitude 35°N and 45°N Seasonal variation Intensity and daylight hours
Pollutants No pollution
How the system works
Requirements for the system to work Sun rays and solar cells
Pros No pollution Quiet Harness electricity
Cons Expensive Only good throughout the day Elements can effect efficiency
Impact on the environment Manufacturing of photovoltaic cells Harmful for workers to breathe in Large amount of land use for plant Destroying environment for animals Disposal of the panels
Solar energy’s abundance A lot of it Sun
Costs About $4.50 per Watt. $150 for generators. $15 per sq. ft. of heating/cooling space.
Extra Points Arizona, Colorado, Georgia 3 highest solar energy potential in the US. Solar energy is the longest used energy source.
Works Cited facts/