Senator Wyden’s O&C Land Grant Act – Summary Covers 2.8 million acres, including BLM O&C lands and public domain lands, and 300,000 acres of Forest Service lands to be transferred to BLM. Estimated volume of 400 MMBF per year. Divides land into Forestry Emphasis Areas, Conservation Emphasis Areas, and a variety of other special designations. Protects all trees and forest stands over about 85 years old. Forestry Emphasis Areas would see reduced stream buffers, and mandated “variable retention regeneration harvest” on about 6,000 acres per year. Thinning would also be done. An additional 50,000 acres of young stands would be set aside for more aggressive logging. Changes method and timing of NEPA analysis and public involvement.
Impacted land in stewardship areas Stewardship AreasAcres of BLM to USFSAcres of USFS to BLMAcres into CEAAcres into FEA* Alsea011,15026,8007,300 Siuslaw4, ,30067,300 Mary's Peak002,86416,100 Hebo025,30011,90056,200 Totals4,94936,780104,864146,900 * There are other designations like Old Growth Network, riparian reserves, etc that would impact mgt of this category.
“Rationalization lands” of concern Siuslaw & Lakes Basin: Fivemile Bell area Nestucca: East Beaver, Nestucca Salmon-Drift Creek: Erickson Creek, Rock Creek, Trout Creek, Forks of Schooner Creek Mid-Coast: south of Waldport, Fall Creek, Bull Run Creek 25,000+ acres of the Hebo Ranger District (!)
Impacts to Stewardship Proposed FS land transfers to BLM mean less land available (more than 36,000 acres) for stewardship contracts and retained receipts. Transfers could jeopardize and undermine current investments in restoration. Stewardship contracts and restoration emphasis highly unlikely in Forestry Emphasis Areas on BLM land.
Impacts from proposed management Proposed Forestry Emphasis Areas would have reduced stream buffers and mandated timber production goals and prescriptions not in line with restoration. Takes BLM lands out of NWFP management scheme, meant to be integrated with USFS. Sets back progress on restoration and collaboration in Coast Range.
Legislative context Senate bill could be packaged with broader legislation affecting National Forests across the country. House O&C bill likely to have much bigger impacts for BLM lands and our watersheds. Unclear how Senate and House bills will be reconciled.