February 23, 2005Neutrino Telescopes, Venice Comparing Solar and KamLAND Data Comparing Solar and KamLAND Data Carlos Pena Garay IAS, Princeton ~


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Presentation transcript:

February 23, 2005Neutrino Telescopes, Venice Comparing Solar and KamLAND Data Comparing Solar and KamLAND Data Carlos Pena Garay IAS, Princeton ~

Solar vs KamLAND Data

Solar vs KamLAND :  m 2 & 

MSW adiabatic vs Vacuum Osc.

Solar & KamLAND :  m 2 & 

KamLAND in rescue of Solar KamLAND in rescue of Solar Bahcall, Gonzalez-Garcia, PG How well do we know solar neutrino fluxes from neutrino data + luminosity constraint? Main effect due to KamLAND data : Improved  m 2

KamLAND in rescue of Solar KamLAND in rescue of Solar Bahcall, Gonzalez-Garcia, PG How well do we know solar neutrino fluxes from neutrino data + luminosity constraint? Main effect due to KamLAND data: Improved  m 2

Low Nu experiments : Total luminosity 7 Be,pp Bahcall, PG, JHEP (2003) Solar + KamLAND neutrino data: How well do (will) we know solar neutrino fluxes ?

Solar in rescue of KamLAND Solar in rescue of KamLAND Main effect due to Solar data : Improved  12 - Amplitude of the Energy dependent signature - Bounds on other sources : geoneutrinos, supernovae FiorentiniIanni et al, in progress

KamLAND + Solar : Determining MSW Matter effects in KamLAND : negligible ( <0.5% rate )  m 2 determined by KamLAND in osc. phase Matter effects in the Sun: - r 0 bounded : present : 8 B production < 0.23 R SUN future : 0.05 R SUN : pep/low 8 B - If G F is replaced by A G F : A=1 within 2   A=0 rejected >6  Do we have other (practical) ways to measure MSW ? Fogli et al PG

KamLAND + Solar : Beyond MSW Several speculative proposals: Better fits, new allowed regions, bounds on new physics,… - Non-Standard Interactions - Sterile Neutrinos - CPT violation - Mass Varying Neutrinos - … Huber

Non-standard  interactions (Majorana) Small flavor diagonal and flavor changing fermi interactions (~0.1G F ) with quarks LMA with modified matter effects Berezhiani, Rossi (2002) What’s new : Lower region Sensitivity in KamLAND reactor Sensitivity in low energy solar neutrino experiments Friedland, Lunardini, PG (2004) Davidson et al (2002)

Non-standard  interactions (Dirac) Small flavor diagonal and flavor changing fermi interactions (~0.1G F ) with quarks LMA with modified matter effects What’s new : Lower region Sensitivity in KamLAND reactor Sensitivity in low energy solar neutrino experiments Friedland, Lunardini, PG (2004) Davidson et al (2002)

Sterile neutrinos Bahcall, Gonzalez-Garcia, P-G, PRC66, 2002 How do solar data constraint oscillations to sterile  ?

Solar & KamLAND : Not assuming CPT conservation KamLAND best fit points which fit Solar & KamLAND data De Gouvea, PG

CPT bounds Lorentz invariance + Hermiticity of the Hamiltonian + locality leads to CPT theorem in relativistic local QFT What about   De Gouvea, PG (2004)Murayama (2003)

Summary 1. Solar & KamLAND : 2 independent sources ( and  ) lead to LMA 2. a) KamLAND lead to solar improved flux determinations : CNO luminosity, total luminosity 2. b) Solar data lead to improved extraction of other sources 3. Goal : Determining MSW - solar tomography - Search for exotics : NSI, sterile, CPT, MVNs, …

The brightest neutrino source SK, SNO ClGa

The Neutrino Matrix :SM +  mass ALL oscillation neutrino data BUT LSND 3  ranges  Gonzalez-Garcia, PG, Maltoni (2005)

If nuclear fusion reactions among light elements are responsible for solar energy generation and Spiro, Vignaud, PLB (1990) determined from nuclear masses and neutrino energies independent of details of solar model at 1:10 4 Bahcall, PRC (2002) Luminosity constraint D and 3 He are in local kinetic equilibrium

SM +  mass Neutrinos: Cosmological dark matter to be discovered If lowest mass is negligible, and normal hierarchy If highest mass is 1 eV

Limits on Supernova Relic Neutrinos Super-Kamiokande  Ando et al (2004)

Will we know the matter potential soon? Not definitively, but might be some indications from KamLAND and D/N at SNO

Cosmic Neutrino Background 56 cm -3 at 1.9K (0.17 meV) Possible mechanical effect : torque of order G F if target and neutrino background are polarized (Stodolsky effect) Still far from observability, awaiting for future technology