ALAC in Summary Hubs in West Midlands, South Yorkshire, South West, Manchester, Lincoln, London and the North East, building local partnerships to deliver ALAC to individuals, activists, groups and communities including: Women / BME women, people with disabilities, carers, migrant workers, asylum seekers, white working class communities
Differing definitions and approaches to citizenship as: personal responsibilities and rights participatory citizenship - civic engagement AND citizenship for social justice - citizenship as political literacy, strengthening civil society, promoting social solidarity working both sides of the equationlocally, nationally, internationally/ locally/globally
Differing participatory methods and approaches with experiential learning, including: courses offering accreditation and progression tailored programmes of study one-off workshops and seminars mentoring and co-tutoring
Identifying and reaching target audiences building upon networks and relationships of trust outreach on an on-going basis negotiating the learning AND negotiating ways of addressing key barriers including the need for childcare, accesible venues, transport costs and flexible hours (taking account of shift working)
Curricula framework rather than Core Curriculum? participatory, negotiated learning AND experiential learning from active citizenship delivered in a variety of methods to a wide variety of learners at varying levels
Learning frameworks for accreditation and progression including accredited community leadership courses Access to further and higher education OCN RARPA
Looking forwards Ensuring SPACE (Safe Political Active Community Education Spaces) developing the links between the local and the global Sustainability? Whose responsibility?
Challenges for Evaluation evaluating the impact on individuals and their families evaluating the impact on service delivery and decision-making processes - strengthening effective civic engagement evaluating the impact within and between organisations and groups - strengthening civil society, justice orientated citizenship?