Council of Chapters Officer Appreciation Reception and Workshop August 11, pm-6 pm Ananda Jayawardhana COCGB Chair-Elect 2015
Council of Chapters Officer Appreciation Reception and Workshop Overview pm - Welcome and ASA Benefits to Chapters (Ananda Jayawardhana) pm -ISEF (Terri Utlaut) pm - Development Program of the ASA (Amanda Malloy, Mary Kwasny, and Borko Jovanovic) pm - This is Statistics (Jeff Myers and Mary Kwasny) pm - (Trevor Butterworth)
Council of Chapters Officer Appreciation Thank you for: Attending COC sponsored activities at the JSM Keeping up communications with your District VCs and the COCGB and completing the chapter survey Promoting our profession and organizing local activities Participating ASA led advocating activities at the local level Attracting students to our profession and mentoring young statisticians Nominating colleagues for ASA Award for Outstanding Chapter Service Any other chapter services and activities you do We, the members of the COCGB want to work with you!
Member Initiative Grants for Projects that fit within the mission of the ASA and are designed to strengthen our profession Pilot projects that can be extended to other groups within ASA Projects having a positive impact on the broader membership Start-up funds Proposals that address how their activities could extend beyond the funding period or how their outcomes could help another group Initiatives that can turn into ongoing activities that the ASA supports for all its members Initiatives that can be submitted for more extensive funding from another agency to broaden the scope or target audience Proposals are due 02/03/16 and the funding period is April 1, March 31,
Membership Drives Chapter Membership Social ASA will reimburse $100 Member Gets a Member
Chapter Visitation Program Usually the ASA president, vice president, executive director, or a COC Governing Board member Chapter pays for the local expenses The purpose of the visit is to communicate with the chapters about issues of concern to the chapter and association Free speaker for a chapter meeting (Especially for a struggling chapter) Opportunity to discuss ASA issues and/or policies isitationprogram isitationprogram
COC Traveling Courses The COC covers speaker travel expenses and honoraria The Chapter covers advertising, local arrangements (including hotel and local travel), course materials, and registration The greater of $25 for each attendee or $500 to go back to the COC Most course offered more than once and most presenters prefer to make two presentations in one trip Which chapters have a better chance to get a course? 1.Smaller chapters and a group of chapters applying together 2.A chapter which has not received a course recently 3-4 courses offered annually and chapters receive a course
123 SignUp for Chapter Event Registration Every time someone registers for an event 123Signup charges 3.5% of the registration fee with a minimum of $1 and a maximum of $6 Credit card fees are also applied. 3% for Visa, MasterCard, and Discover and 4.5% for American Express There is also a $10 monthly processing fee Each month that registration for your event is open 123Signup will send a check and the checks will continue until the event closes If there is no registration activity during the month no check will be sent If more than one events are happening during the same time you may not know which part of the check is for which event* aptereventregistration aptereventregistration
Other Resources COC Website Microsites Dues collection and direct deposits ASA Community Information for chapter officers tion=ShowApp
Communications Amstat News Articles Usually once a year written by a COCGB member Chapter Chatter Published 3 times a year Send your event pictures and descriptions to Anamariya Kazanis
Outstanding Chapter Service Award Recipients 2015 (Those who attended the award ceremony with David and Ron)
ASA Award for the Outstanding Chapter Service 2015 Christopher Claeys, Rochester Chapter Byron Gajewski, KWMCH Daniel J. Hayes, Chicago Chapter Ray Hoffmann, Wisconsin Chapter Jerry L. Moreno, Cleveland Chapter Bill Pikounis, Philadelphia Chapter Joel Reynolds, Alaska Chapter Doris Sha, SFBACH William K. Sieber, Cincinnati Chapter
References workshop presentation by Dan Kasprzyk uncilofchapterspresentations uncilofchapterspresentations Thanks!
pm -ISEF (Terri Utlaut) pm - Development Program of the ASA (Amanda Malloy, Mary Kwasny, and Borko Jovanovic) pm - This is Statistics (Jeff Myers and Mary Kwasny) pm - (Trevor Butterworth)