Hybrid Fuel Economy All statistics were recorded using a Toyota Prius Hybrid. This is real time data that began in 1/31/11 and continues today. In about a year I drove 22,601miles. Jan 2011 – Jan Gallons of gasoline burned Barrels of Crude Oil used. 21,873 Miles Traveled.
Fuel Efficiency Traveling 21,873 miles burned exactly gallons of fuel. Jan 2011 – Jan 2012 Average cost per gallon of fuel $3.598 Average Fuel Economy Miles Per Gallon
Is It Worth It? Traveling 21,873 miles cost me exactly $1, How many MPGs do you get? A 2008 Jeep Grand Cherokee gets 13MPG City, 15MPG Highway. The average cost of fuel at $3.598 per gallon means it would cost $5, to travel the same distance in a Jeep Grand Cherokee. A 2002 Ford Taurus gets a combined fuel economy of 20MPG. 21,873 miles at 20MPG would burn 1, Gallons of fuel. It would cost $3, to travel the same distance in a Ford Taurus.