Developing A Research Portfolio A Darwinian Approach March 14, 2007 Charlotte (Toby) Tate Dean
Darwin says: Survival of the fittest for research: Situate the individual in a supportive environment with just enough pressures for success….
Environment of the Research Scientist
Darwin meets Dr. Westie Jake
Westhighland Jake, PhD Pedigree: degrees from major research universities
Stages of Dr. Jake’s Academic Career Launch: independent scientist Emergence: scientist/administrator Convergence: administrator
Dr. Jake’s Personal Characteristics Critical thinker Clever Risk taker Excellent communicator Independent, yet collaborative Isn’t afraid of failure
Dr. Jake’s Professional Attributes Published or close to publishing Focused on one area within expertise Pushes the boundaries of knowledge Likely to develop an independent, sustainable scientific career Will train the next generation of scientists
Stages of Dr. Jake’s Academic Career Launch: independent scientist Emergence: scientist/administrator Convergence: administrator
Front runner: Marathon
Out of the blue, a major university calls: We like your research. Come for a visit.
Metamessage: We’re not serious
X X They said… Jake thought….
Start up funds? Institutional investment?
I don’t think so.
Major Research University The next place that called….
Already constructed research labs
Start up funds? Institutional investment? Start up funds appropriate to methods Grants management infrastructure Grant proposal development support Secretarial/IT support Core facilities (dept/college/campus)
Clusters of research strength
Mentoring at each stage of career
X X They said in time… Jake thought, cool.
A good place!
Benchmarks for success High but reachable Jake P&T
Dr. Jake becomes the Sage on the Stage
A few….
Jake Achieved!
Stages of Dr. Jake’s Academic Career Launch: independent scientist Emergence: scientist/administrator Convergence: administrator
Front runner: Ultra-marathon
Dr. Jake as Academic Dept. Chair Dean’s goal: increase research $$
Evolution of the academic tribe: Individual by individual
Departmental Faculty
Some were….
Others were…
And some were…unfortunately.
Never try to teach a pig to sing; it wastes your time and annoys the pig.
Differential Faculty Workload: Built on strengths, not weaknesses
Hired young scientists into an environment of success Result: Grants
Everyone headed in the same direction
Stages of Dr. Jake’s Academic Career Launch: independent scientist Emergence: scientist/administrator Convergence: administrator
Front runner: Iron-man
Dr. Jake as Academic Dept. Chair Dean’s goal: increase research $$ //////////////////// Dean ///////////// Provost’s
Evolution of the academic community: Tribe by tribe
Sailing silos…..
Department chairs…key to success
Start up funds? Institutional investment? Start up funds appropriate to methods Grants management infrastructure Grant proposal development support Secretarial/IT support Core facilities (dept/college/campus)
Renovated laboratories….
Hired young scientists into an environment of success Result: Grants
External Grant Expenditures UIC College of Applied Sciences
External Grant Expenditures, $M
Evolution of a research intensive college: Bird by bird* Flock by flock Right environment *in honor of Darwin’s finches