i3 grant: College-Ready Writers Kickoff Meeting Monett R-I August 19, 2013
Alphabet Soup OWP – Ozarks Writing Project NWP – National Writing Project i3 – Investing in Innovation CRWP – College Ready Writers Program SI – Summer Institute PD – Professional Development ELA – English Language Arts
Goals We will... introduce the goals of the i3 (Investing in Innovation) grant and the Core Principles of the Writing Project provide you with information about the professional development we will offer in the coming year present a snapshot of PD content delivered by the Ozarks Writing Project (OWP)
Agenda Meet members of OWP team. Engage in a team builder. Review the goals of the i3 grant. View a Pecha Kucha presentation. Participate in focused writing exercise. Review details of the grant including calendar and credit opportunities. Unpack the strategies used today. Write a closing statement. In order to meet our goals we will..
Purpose/Non-Purpose Purpose: to introduce the College Ready Writers Program developed with your steering committee and to invite additional teachers to participate Non-Purpose: to present a course syllabus or prescribed program
We appreciate your name tags. Please set cell phones to vibrate. Feel comfortable stepping outside when necessary. Use the “Parking Lot” for your questions
Team Builder Take off/ Touch down
Steering Committee Cindy Carden – ELA, Intermediate School Gary Cook – Social Studies, High School Katie Lathem – ELA, Middle School Amy Sampson – ELA, High School April Smith – Foreign language, Middle and High Schools Katherine Smith – Art, High School
i3 Grant Goals Increasing the amount of time spent on writing instruction and in the number of extended writing assignments Increasing the use of research-based instructional strategies for teaching writing in ELA classrooms Increasing the use of writing-to-learn strategies in other disciplines Improving the quality of writing assignments and increasing their alignment with college- and career- ready standards
Pecha Kucha Introduce the work of OWP with a Pecha Kucha presentation—20 slides of 20 seconds each Presentation is a result of the collaboration of April Smith and Colleen Appel Format taught to us by Amy Sampson
Focused Freewrite Prompt: Now that you’ve seen the presentation, where are you in your thinking? Rules for Freewriting: Keep your hand moving until the time is up. Pay no attention to grammar, spelling, punctuation, neatness, or style. If you get off the topic or run out of ideas, keep writing anyway. When the time is up, look over what you've written, and mark passages that contain ideas or phrases that might be worth sharing or elaborating on later.
Examine the handout with a coding strategy
Think about it… How might intentional writing practices benefit your students? Stand up/ Hand up/ Pair up
Unpack the Strategies
Closure Consider the contract Words from member of the steering committee
Exit Slips From our one hour kick-off, jot down on a post-it one “take away” strategy that you’re willing to use in your classroom. Place in the parking lot.