ABE and Pine Technical and Community College (PTCC)
Introductions ABE Gerald Etesse: Regional Transitions Coordinator Sarah Rydberg: ABE Manager, St. Croix River Education District (SCRED), Metro East
Introductions ABE cont. Amanda Brown: ABE Teacher, SCRED Julie Hawkinson: ABE Teacher, SCRED
Introductions (PTCC) Jami Kritzeck: ABE Instructor, Advanced Manufacturing Education Alliance (AME) Joan Bloemendaal-Gruett EdD: Chief Academic Officer/Chief of Academic Affairs Paula Hoffman: CSAO/Dean of Student Affairs
Existing ABE on Campus Classes on Campus Fridays from 10:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. Serve the on campus Employment and Training Center Also serve anyone interested in ABE, target Accuplacer Prep.
New Ideas for Collaboration Transitions 3.0 grant opportunities Provided Regional Transition Coordination support during the year Provided $1,000 to the on-campus SCRED ABE site during the fall semester Underwrote pre-corequisite math bridging class Supported additional time for bridging instructor to collaborate with PTCC staff
New Ideas for Collaboration cont. Transitions 3.0 grant opportunities Provided Regional Transition Coordination support to develop the PTCC and SCRED ABE Adult Pathways to Postsecondary Collaboration Activities grant application Provided $2,000 for both planning time with PTCC staff to develop potential corequisite instruction by the SCRED ABE staff provided $500 for planning and instruction by SCRED ABE staff to work with the ETC on campus at PTCC and their North Branch site. The ETC will refer Welfare to Work/MFIP clients to ABE to provide Digital Literacy training. The training will emphasize D2L for transition to a career pathway at PTCC or similar education opportunity
New Ideas for Collaboration cont. D2L Bridge to College MiniCourse development (Jami) Idea proposed by the Career Service Center Created a working D2L course for potential students to experience online learning
New Ideas for Collaboration cont. College Prep course (Amanda and Julie) Meeting 2 days/week Covering Reading and Writing ABE instructors running the course
Transitions Classes Student pool Started with 3 college prep specific students Gained/lost students Ended with 1 GED student and 1 ESL/Accuplacer prep student
Transitions Classes TABE Scores and adjusting materials Widely varying ability levels TABE level gains Communication
Topics Covered Reading Fry Words Prefix and Root Words Vocabulary Context Clues Summarizing Main Idea Text Structure Writing Study Skills Journaling Tiered Sentence Combining Sentence Structure Grammar and Usage Mechanics Essay Writing
Resources Used “Writing for the GED Test 1: Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics”(NRP) “Essential Study Strategies” The New York Times: Upfront Magazine(Scholastic) VocabularyVocabulary (on atlas site) Reading Worksheets
Outcomes D2L has been very underutilized Lack of student attendance is a big issue for the College Prep course Recruitment is difficult in our area (rural)
Outcomes cont. Data: (1st Semester) Started with 5 students 2 referred from PTCC, 1 ESL/Accuplacer Prep, and 2 of our GED/ABE students Finished with 2 Both of those students made TABE level gains Cancelled second semester due to lack of students
Solutions Brought data to Joan and Paula at PTCC to discuss options Led to the discussion of the Co-Requisite model in Developmental Ed courses Started looking into options
“Common Sense” Partners We decided to look at the AME grant and that relationship that had already been developed. (Jami) Relationships have already been formed Already integrated into credit bearing courses in a career pathway
Goal Ultimate Goal: To find sustainable practices for offering a greater ABE presence on campus We did achieve that goal in the form of co-requisite courses
Co-Requisite courses We will have an ABE teacher in Developmental Math courses, as well as credit bearing Manufacturing courses (thanks to the AME grant relationship) We did not propose English courses, that department has not been open to ABE collaboration in their Developmental Ed courses
Be aware of Opportunities! Pathways to Prosperity Grant (Jerry) FastTRAC and DEED funding combined to provide larger grants Opened greater options and flexibility for varied partners to meet student needs and local labor needs Defined Career Pathways as fundamental part of the grant application New “ability to benefit” rules for ABE students will add transitions to postsecondary and/or certificate program options
Contact Info. Sarah Rydberg: Gerald Etesse: Amanda Brown: Julie Hawkinson: Jami Kritzeck: