Inter-institutional cooperation as a key to successful development Research and education center for physics of solid state nanostructures (REC-001) University.


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Presentation transcript:

Inter-institutional cooperation as a key to successful development Research and education center for physics of solid state nanostructures (REC-001) University of Nizhniy Novgorod M.V. Dorokhin, Researcher Pan-REC, Voronezh 2010

2 University of Nizhniy Novgorod Nanotechnology and nanomaterials research and education Department of Physics, UNN Physico-Technical Research Institute, UNN Research and Education Center for Physics of Solid State Nanostructures Research and Education Center for Nanotechnology Currently: - Researcher of Physical-Technical Research Institute and REC PSSN - Senior lecturer of the Department of Physics My career at the university: Student of department of Physics PhD Student 2007 Start of educational work as a lecturer 2007 PhD Degree on Physics of Semiconductors

My research field – spintronics Transfer, storage and processing information by means of electron spin Spin valveSpin light-emitting diode Magnetic field controlled parameters of current or/and luminescence Spacer - Additional channel for transferring information. - Increase of electronic devices performance. - Increase of recording density of storage devices.

1) Spintronic materials In co-authorship with B.N. Zvonkov, A.V. Kudrin, 1.GaMnAs 2.InMnAs 3.δ 4.MnP 5.MnAs 6.MnSb 7.etc. - Room temperature ferromagnetism of InMnAs ferromagnetic semiconductor. - Light-emitting diodes with magnetic field controlled parameters of electroluminescence. Fabrication of ferromagnetic semiconductor materials for spintronic devices. Main achievements: Prospective: Integration of spintronic devices with currently existing semiconductor devices of micro- and optoelectronics. Yu A Danilov, A V Kudrin, / “Ferromagnetic semiconductor InMnAs layers grown by pulsed laser deposition on GaAs” // J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys V P M.V. Dorokhin, B.N. Zvonkov, Yu.A. Danilov, / “Formation of magnetic GaAs:Mn layers for InGaAs/GaAs light emitting quantum-size structures” // Int. J. Nanoscience V. 6, n P

2) Spin-light-emitting diode P+ P- Circular polarized electroluminescence M.V. Dorokhin, Yu.A. Danilov, P.B. Demina, / “Emission properties of InGaAs/GaAs heterostructures with delta -doped barrier” // J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys V P

BRHE REC PSSN assistance 4) English training (BRHE summer English camps (2005)). 5) Possibility for grant applications (Travel grant # BG 9201 for participation at the international conference on Spintronics (Cracow-July 2009)) 1)Financial support or researchers (grant #BP4- M01, etc.) 2)Shared access to modern technological and analytical equipment 3) Purchase of new up to date equipment (new set of optical equipment has been purchased in 2009).

6) Travel opportunities for experimental work and training in various institutes Magneto-optics Institute for physics of microstructures RAS Diffraction analysis NNSU MOCVD epitaxy & laser sputtering Anomalous Hall effect measurements at T = K. Low temperature measurements in liquid He SQUID measurements Institute for Radio Electronics, Fryazino branch Magnetic force microscopy Institute for Solid State Physics RAS (Chernogolovka)

CRDF and NSF (US) assisted discussion on mutual education and research programs between PSSN Center of Nizhniy Novgorod State University and Center for Nanotechnology Education and Utilization of Pennsylvania State University, State College PA International cooperation + Center for Nanotechnology Education and Utilization: - One of US national centers for nanotechnology; - Concentrates nanotechnology educational resources of Pennsylvania; - Search for international cooperation.

- Discussion of possible mutual education programs. -Scientific discussion of close areas of research. - Access to educational resources of CNEU provided to REC PSSN -Visits of REC PSSN employees to CNEU on May Visit of CNEU administration executives to REC PSSN -Discussions of RECs administration with Representatives of Russian Ministry of Education and Rosnano on creation of joint research and education center for training and re-training of specialists in the area of nanotechnology. - CNEU offer concerning educational program development and distance training.

Resume BRHE assistance in NNSU Research and education Within results of research performed in REC-001 has been published in 105 international and 289 Russian journals and reported at 256 international and 517 Russian conferences. 54 PhD students were receiving REC financial support. 30 of them has completed and defended their PhD Degree dissertations. 15 of these PhDs has won post-doc Grants within the frameworks of BRHE program. Inter-institutional cooperation in education and research areas is an important condition for successful development