SPT: Emile Durkheim ( )
1. Sociology as a Positive Science Social facts as things in themselves (sui generis) Suicide (1897) Social facts as moral facts
2. The Division of Labour and Social Evolution The Division of Labour in Society (1892) Mechanical to organic societies Mechanical Solidarity Organic Solidarity Small PopulationLarge Population Minimum division of labour – dominance of kin Complex division of labour SegmentationOrganisation Repressive lawRestitutive law Concrete CC (group) Abstract CC (individual)
3. Durkheim and Politics Anomie and individualism Durkheims conservatism? Professional Ethics and Civic Morals Guilds and modern associations Representative democracy and socialism
Henri de Saint-Simon ( )
5. Religion, Society, Politics Elementary Forms of the Religious Life Totem The sacred and profane Importance of symbolic identity