I) Early History A)Phoenicians are the first early sea travelers
I) Early History B)Aristotle: 1) Considered the 1 st marine biologist 2) Described many forms of sea life BC
I) Early History B) Middle Ages 1) Most knowledge from ancients lost 2) Vikings: Leif Eriksson discovers Vinland 3) Arabs: voyaged to E. Africa, SE Asia, & India a) Figured out wind pattern currents (including monsoons) 995 AD
I) Early History 1451 – 1506 AD C) Renaissance 1)Columbus: a)Rediscovers America in 1492
I) Early History 1480 – 1521 AD C) Renaissance 2)Magellen: a)First person to sail around the world
I) Early History AD C) Renaissance 3)James Cook: a)Explored all the oceans and began making scientific observations
I) Early History D) Edward Forbes 1)Dredged ocean floor & discovered new sea creatures; father of modern oceanography 1815 – 1854 AD
I) Early History E) Charles Darwin 1) Studied plankton & described the formation of coral reef atolls 1809 – 1882 AD
II) Challenger Expedition A) Three and one half years at sea voyage; first voyage specifically designed to study the oceans B) Published over 50 volumes; took 19 years to publish
III) Other Historical Events A) Albatross Expeditions (USA) 1)Scientific expeditions to Indian & Pacific Oceans.
III) Other Historical Events B) Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) at Woods Hole established (Massachusetts)
III) Other Historical Events C) The Scripp's Institution of Oceanography established (La Jolla, CA)
IV) Modern History A) World War II: development of sonar for sub hunting 1)Based on the detection of underwater echoes 2)Allowed accurate mapping of oceanic floors
IV) Modern History B)SCUBA: self contained underwater breathing apparatus 1)Developed right after WWII by Emile Gagnan & Jacques Cousteau 2)First time one could study directly in the marine environment
V) Marine Biology Today A) Modern Scientific Ships B)Submarines C)Satellites D) Remote Sensing