The Nature and Handling of Organic Slurries Douglas W. Hamilton, Ph.D., P.E. Waste Management Specialist Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service.


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Presentation transcript:

The Nature and Handling of Organic Slurries Douglas W. Hamilton, Ph.D., P.E. Waste Management Specialist Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service

The Nature and Handling of Organic Slurries  Solids Speciation  Suspensions  Consistency  Rheology  Solids Settling  Flow of Suspensions in Pipelines

Slurry: mixture of solids and liquids

What is a solid? Remains after heating at 103 o C for 24 hours Solid Liquid Sample NO Yes

What is a solid? Remains after heating at 103 o C for 24 hours Solid Liquid Sample Mass of Solids Mass of Sample TS = NO Yes

Suspended or Dissolved ? Passes through 1.5 Micron Diameter Hole? Dissolved Suspended Sample NO Yes

Hamilton D.W Solids Content of Wastewater and Manure. OSU Factsheet BAE Stillwater, OK:Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service.

Suspended or Dissolved ? Passes through 1.5 Micron Diameter Hole? Dissolved Suspended Sample NO Yes TS TDS TSS

Hamilton D.W Solids separation in manure handling systems. Factsheet h in Pork Industry Handbook. West Lafayette, IN:Purdue University Distribution of Suspended Solids

Organic or Inorganic ? Volatilizes when heated at 550 o C for 2 hours? Volatile Solid Organic Fixed Solid Inorganic or Ash Sample NO Yes

Organic or Inorganic ? Volatilizes when heated at 550 o C for 2 hours? Volatile Solid Organic Fixed Solid Inorganic or Ash Sample NO Yes TS TVS TFS


Solids Species TS TSS TDS FSS VSS VDS FDS TVS Crystal Particles Organic Particles Soluble Organics Dissolved Salts

Consistency D.W. Hamilton, Consistency of Manure/Water Mixtures, OSU Factsheet BAE-1751.Stillwater,OK: Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service.

USDA-NRCS Agricultural Waste Management Field Handbook. Washington, D.C.: USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.

Rheological Definition of Consistency

Settling  Type I Discrete Particle Settling  Type II Flocculated Particle Settling  Zone or Hindered Settling  Compaction

Factors influencing Settling Particle Characteristics Fluid Characteristics Collective Characteristics

Settling  Type I Discrete Particle Settling  Type II Flocculated Particle Settling  Zone or Hindered Settling  Compaction

Discrete Particle Settling

Forces Acting on the Particle F g =  d 3 (  p -  f )g 6 F d = C d V 2  d 2 ρ f 2 4

Stokes Law ρ p – ρ f CdCd = () 4343 ρfρf dg V 2 ( )

Stokes Law ρ p – ρ f CdCd = () 4343 ρfρf dg V 2 ( ) C d = f (ρ p,ρ f,N Fr )

Stokes Law Cd = f (ρ p,ρ f,N Fr,N re )

Stokes Law Cd = f (ρ p,ρ f,N Fr,N re,ψ)

Factors influencing Settling Particle Characteristics Density Size Shape Fluid Characteristics Density Viscosity Collective Characteristics

Settling  Type I Discrete Particle Settling  Type II Flocculated Particle Settling  Zone or Hindered Settling  Compaction

Type II Settling

Factors influencing Settling Particle Characteristics Density Size Shape Charge Fluid Characteristics Density Viscosity Polarity Ionic Strength Collective Characteristics

Settling  Type I Discrete Particle Settling  Type II Flocculated Particle Settling  Zone or Hindered Settling  Compaction

Zone Settling

dx dt = VcVc

Factors influencing Settling Particle Characteristics Density Size Shape Charge Fluid Characteristics Density Viscosity Polarity Ionic Strength Collective Characteristics Concentration Size Distribution

Settling  Type I Discrete Particle Settling  Type II Flocculated Particle Settling  Zone or Hindered Settling  Compaction

dx dt = V Compaction

Suspension of Slurries in Pipelines

V M1 = 134C d D V o 1.63 V M2 = 54.4C d D V o 1.63

Experimentally Derived Solution