Fifth Generation Chinese Filmmaker ZHANG YIMOU
Zhang Yimou Born in 1951 in Shaanxi Province His father served under Chiang Kai-shek in the Chinese Civil War During the Cultural Revolution, Z.Y. worked as a farm worker and a cotton mill hand Attended Beijing Film Academy, studying photography, entering in 1978 when the school was re-opened after the Cultural Revolution The most well-known member of the “Fifth Generation” of Chinese filmmakers, who emerged after the Cultural Revolution He co-directed the opening and closing ceremonies for the 2008 Beijing Olympics His films are noted for: Lush photography Sensuality, eroticism Often with a viewpoint from a female leading character Personal stories, in a culture that so often emphasizes collectivism
Zhang Yimou YearEnglish titleChinese titleNotes 1987Red Sorghum 红高粱 Golden Bear 1988Codename Cougar 代号美洲豹 (co-director) 1990Ju Dou 菊豆 1991Raise the Red Lantern 大红灯笼高高挂 Silver Bear 1992The Story of Qiu Ju 秋菊打官司 Golden Lion 1994To Live 活着 Grand Prix du Jury 1995Shanghai Triad 摇啊摇,摇到外婆桥 1995Zhang Yimou Segment of the anthology, Lumière and CompanyLumière and Company 1997Keep Cool 有話好好說 1999Not One Less 一个都不能少 Golden Lion 1999The Road Home 我的父亲母亲 Jury Grand Prix 2000Happy Times 幸福時光 2002Hero 英雄 2004House of Flying Daggers 十面埋伏 2005Riding Alone for Thousands of Miles 千里走单骑 2006Curse of the Golden Flower 满城尽带黄金甲 2007Movie Night Segment of the anthology, To Each His CinemaTo Each His Cinema 2009A Simple Noodle Story [41] 三枪拍案惊奇 2010The Love of the Hawthorn Tree 山楂树之恋 2011The Flowers of War 金陵十三钗 2014Coming Home 归来
Zhang Yimou: Significant film types His early “Red Trilogy” (historical dramas with personal foci): Red Sorghum (entire film) (1987) Red Sorghum Ju Dou (1990) Raise the Red Lantern (trailer) (1991) Raise the Red Lantern Wuxia films, e.g.: Hero (trailer) (2002) Hero House of Flying Daggers (trailer) (2004) House of Flying Daggers Attempts at international cross-overs: Segment in Lumiere & Co. (1995)Lumiere & Co. The Flowers of War (trailer) (2011) (with Christian Bale)— received mixed critical reviews The Flowers of War Interview with Z.Y. on The Flowers of War Interview with Z.Y. on The Flowers of War
Zhang Yimou 2011 FIAPF Award (International Federation of Film Producers Associations— based in Paris, 30 members from 27 countries, including the MPAA, also oversees international film festivals) Segment from awards ceremony, with clips of Yimou’s work and his acceptance speech (6:30) Segment from awards ceremony, with clips of Yimou’s work and his acceptance speech