Adult Life Group Announcements for
Serve Together Life Group Ministry Opportunity: Autumn Leaves Assisted Living Home is a new Alzheimer’s care center that is looking for a group who can bring a Sunday afternoon church service to their residents. It would involve a brief song service and a devotional. If your Life Group would like to minister in this way please contact Pastor Bill Elliott,
Sunday Night Outreach Tonight! Come make a personal contact with someone who has recently visited CFBC. Meet us in the FLC lobby at 5pm, get a “welcome” bag and then go tell someone “thanks” for coming. It’s that simple and effective!
Worship! Brent Dyer’s first official Sunday at CFBC will be May 22. Be here for a great day and a glimpse into the continuation of God’s plans for Champion Forest!
True North Outfitters May 19 is our next Base Camp and the topic is fishing for redfish in our bays. Pro Tournament Angler, David Christian, will be talking about his strategies for catching a heavy stringer. On June 18 we head to Galveston to fish on the Texsun II. Go by the booth today and reserve a spot (only 30 left) on the boat for you and your family.
Family Movie Night! June 5, 2011 The CFBC Kids Ministry is celebrating the start of summer with O.O.S. – an Out Of School outdoor movie night. Bring a blanket or lawn chair, your family, friends, AND neighbors to the CFBC baseball field at dusk (about 8:15 pm) for a showing of the family movie “Ramona & Beezus.” Popcorn and drinks will be available for a minimal cost, or feel free to bring your own!
GO Serve in VBS/VBX this June VBS/VBX is June 13–17th, 9–noon, as we “travel” to New York for The Big Apple Adventure. (Online registration will begin May 1) The Kids Ministry is looking for volunteers for our VBS. If you would like to volunteer to help with VBS or VBX this year, there are volunteer cards in the Life Group boxes or visit
T.O.W. - Temporarily Out of Work Ministry Join us on Fridays at 7:30 am in room AE -107/117 to regain the practical skills and knowledge to help in the job search. For more information, contact Debbie at or 281-