Explain how the resources soil provides help in supporting life; Explain how the resources soil provides help in supporting life; Explain the contents of soil; Explain the contents of soil; Describe the biological nature of soil; and Describe the biological nature of soil; Describe four ways plants use soil. Describe four ways plants use soil. Objectives
Soil provides many resources to life They make it possible for plants and animals to grow We will list five of them Soil Supports Life
Oxygen In the soil Needed for root growth Temperature Soil absorbs heat from the sun Soil radiates heat into the atmosphere This cycle regulates the temperature so seeds can germinate and grow Soil Supports Life
Water Used by growing plants Carbon The base of all life forms Most essential element to life Nutrients Minerals that are absorbed and used by the plant Soil Supports Life
Soil is composed of four primary components Mineral matter Organic matter Air Water In addition, there are numerous living organisms Contents of Soil
Soil is 50/50 solid and porous What is porous? Solids Mineral matter and organic matter Contents of Soil
Solids Mineral matter 45%of the soil Broken down rocks Sand, Silt, Clay These three things determine water holding capacity and fertility of the soil Contents of Soil
Solids Organic Matter 5% of the soil Mostly from leaves, roots and stems Contributes to water holding capacity and fertility Gives soil a dark color Contents of Soil
Pore Spaces Space occupied by air and water Air ≈25% of soil Water ≈25% of soil Contents of Soil
Air Constantly fluctuating More water = less air Less water = more air Contents of Soil
Water It can do two things with soil Run off Soak in Contents of Soil
Terms to know Infiltration Water soaking into the soil Percolation Water moving downward through the soil Permeable Quality of soil when water can both infiltrate and percolate Leaching Movement of dissolved minerals and chemicals and salts downward with water Contents of Soil
3 types of soil water Gravitational water Water pulled down by gravity Causes leaching Capillary water Water held in pore spaces May move sideways or up Hygroscopic water Water that forms a thin film around soil particles Not available to plants Contents of Soil
What life forms would you find in the soil? Worms Insects Bacteria Fungi Other organisms Biology of Soil
Bacteria and fungi have an important role in the soil. They break down organic matter and release nutrients. Biology of Soil
Earthworms, ants, crawfish, moles, and other organisms improve the soil tilth, Tilth : the ease at which soil can be worked. These organisms create openings in the soil as they tunnel. This enhances drainage and improves air exchange. Biology of Soil
What are they? Anchorage Water Oxygen Nutrients 4 ways plants use soil