CRA-W Graduate School Panel Dalhousie University, Faculty of Computer Science March 11, 2009
Introductions Evangelos Milios, Moderator –Associate Dean, Research, Dalhousie University, Faculty of Computer Science –Ph.D. from M.I.T. (1986) –S.M., E.E. from M.I.T. (1983) –Dipl. Eng. NTUA, Greece (1980) –Area of Interests: Modeling and Mining of Networked Information Spaces, Text Mining, Graph Mining, Social Network Analysis
Ellen W. Zegura, Distinguished Lecturer –Professor and Chair of Computer Science, Georgia Institute of Technology –Ph.D. (1993), MCSc (1990), B.S. in Electrical Eng. (1987) from Washington University –Area of Interest: Development of wide-area (Internet) networking services and, more recently, Mobile Wireless Networking, Disruption Tolerant Networks. Introductions
Valentina Salapura, Distinguished Lecturer –IBM Master Inventor and System Architect at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center –Ph.D. from Technische Universitat Wien, Vienna, Austria –MS in Electrical Eng. and Computer Science from University of Zagreb, Croatia. –Area of Interest: Application-specific Acceleration for Next Generation Systems, Multiprocessor Interconnect and Synchronization and Multithreaded, Multicore Architecture Design and Evaluation
Introductions Andrew McIntyre –Currently employed by Spielo Manufacturing, Moncton –Held post-doc with Dr. Abidi (NICHE), Dr. Artes (Ophthalmology) and Dr. Song (NRC Neuro-Imaging lab) –Ph.D. from Dalhousie University (2007) –BSc, Mount Allison University –Area of Interest: Machine Learning, Evolutionary Computation, Image Processing
Introductions Tony Abou-Assaleh –Director of Research and Development for –PhD in Computer Science from Dalhousie University (2008) –Master of Mathematics in Computer Science from University of Waterloo (2003) –B.Sc in Computer Science from Brock University (2001) –Area of Interest: Probabilistic Reasoning, Knowledge Management Systems, Natural Language Processing, Information Retrieval, Machine Learning, and Privacy and Security.
Introductions Ozge Yeloglu –Ph.D. Candidate in Computer Science, Dalhousie University –M.C.Sc from Dalhousie University (2007) –B.Eng. in Computer Eng. from Ege University, Turkey (2004) –Area of Interest: Machine Learning, Neural Networks, Knowledge Management Systems, Information Retrieval.
Some Questions Why did you go to grad school? Research is what the graduate school experience really is all about, so what excites you about the research you do? How to prepare for grad school ? How to find out if you like research? What are the myths and surprises in grad school ? What was your biggest challenge ? PhD or MSc?
Some Questions (cont) What are the career paths after a PhD? How long does a PhD program take? How to apply to graduate school? Where to apply to? How does funding work?
Resources Graduate School Information brochure and other information: Advice for undergraduates considering graduate school: How to succeed in graduate school: Choosing a ph.d. program in computer science Internships & more: Fellowships: Graduate studies resources:
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