Assessment and External Examining for Practice Learning in Social Work The EEs' role in Practice Assessment Panels Alison Higgs, Open University
The EE role and SW practice: SWAP guidance To what extent are assessment processes rigorous and equitable? Reporting on good practice identified Standards of student performance Practice learning provision QAA: external scrutiny of all practice learning is required (Handbook for External Examiners: Guidance for the Degree in Social Work Jan 2009)
SWAP guidance: outside of EE remit Internal moderation Direct assessment issues undermining EE objectivity Direct decision-making on suitability/conduct Financial/role issues where there may be conflict of interest
QAA Benchmark Statement As an applied academic subject, social work is characterised by a distinctive focus on practice in complex social situations to promote and protect individual and collective well-being.
Standards of professional conduct Protect the rights and promote the interests of service users and carers Strive to establish and maintain the trust and confidence of people who use services and carers Promote the independence of people who use services while protecting them as far as possible from danger or harm Respect the rights of people who use services while seeking to ensure that their behaviour does not harm themselves or other people Uphold public trust and confidence in social care services Be accountable for the quality of your work and take responsibility for maintaining and improving your skills and knowledge
Practice Assessment Panels: cohort/individual students Preparation/information provided Quality and extent of evidence Service user/carer feedback Evidence of student learning and development Recommendation and evidence
Strategic EE issues Participation/membership of panels Information/communication Identifying and promoting good practice EE reports Service user involvement and participation
Assessing practice: complexities of EE role Social work, both as occupational practice and as an academic subject, evolves, adapts and changes in response to the social, political and economic challenges and demands of contemporary social welfare policy, practice and legislation. (QAA Benchmark statement)
Assessing practice: complexities of EE role There are competing views in society at large on the nature of social work and on its place and purpose. Social work practice and education inevitably reflect these differing perspectives on the role of social work in relation to social justice, social care and social order. (QAA benchmark statement)
External Examiner role in Practice Assessment Panels Much evidence is second or third hand Different views about what is ‘good enough’ Personal qualities of student and their potential Practice placements and practice education: public spending cuts