Global warming is the increase in ocean temperatures and the effect caused by greenhouse gases and also due to natural causes. These gases warm the earth causing the emission of infrared photons that capture infrared come from the earth to be warmed by the sun.
For over two decades, the global scientific community began to warn that the Earth was heating up. The climate has always varied, but the gravity of the actual warming is that in the past two centuries, the pace of these changes has been accelerated and this acceleration will be if no action is taken. The cause of this acceleration is a relationship between global warming and rising emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions caused by industrial human societies. The main GHG emitted into the atmosphere by humans are carbon dioxide that is incidental to the carburetion of fossil fuels used for energy production and transport.
Climate change is moving at a speed higher. The rising sea level, which poses a risk to populations of coastal cities the reduction of glaciers and their associated risk to the availability of public water. Other major problems are: -The frequency of maximum temperatures increase. -Will decrease the precipitacines. -The processes of erosion may increase. -The risk of wildfires will increase.
There are some simple things you can do to reduce global warming some for example: -Change your light bulbs for others classified as low power consumption. -Restricts the most of your water use. -Recycle your garbage. -Use public transportation, or others such as; the bicycle which is a good option. -Buy recycled paper and recycle your paper.