WORK PACKAGE TREATMENT CHALLENGES Dr.Thomas Legl Member of Executive Committee EURO –TC Director Kur- und Gesundheitszentrum Knappenhof/Austria ICAA,, Vienna NGO Committe on Narcotic Drugs DEMOCRACY CITIES AND DRUGS II Kick-off Seminar Paris, June 2008
OBJECTIVES To identify actual challenges in treatment To find responses to local specifities and actual consumption patterns To develop best strategy for the local city level To promote exchange to other stakeholders To make treatment easier accessible and more attractive to the persons in need
PLATFORM LEADER - EURO-TC Network of addiction treatment centers Covers 9 european countries Special promotion of: Flexible therapeutic programmes fitting the patients needs Flexible therapeutic programmes fitting the patients needs Integrated treatment programmes for special target groups Integrated treatment programmes for special target groups Exchange on the scientific level as well as on the level of clients activities
WORK AGENDA Implementation seminar Bucharest / establishment of scientific group and work plan Development of a questionnaire to evaluate a status quo Analyze the questionnaire 2 workshops organized by the scientific group 5 refinement meetings Development of guidelines
BACKGROUND/GENERAL GUIDELINES WITHIN THE EU Integrative Approach Different Problems – Different Strategies Punishment for Trafficking & Treatment for Dependant Persons Counseling Consumers Decriminalization vs. Legalization
SITUATION Rapid Development of Substitution Programmes Traditional Abstinent Treatment / Need for flexible interventions
Co-Morbidity - Flow Pattern Psychiatric Hospital Outpatient Facility TC Substitution Programme High Co-Morbitity Low Co-Morbitity High Co-Morbitity Low Co-Morbitity
SUBSTIUTION TREATMENT Italy 27-29% Spain 41-86% 90% Methadone – Methadone patients in Europe BEST PRACTICE Long term basis and effective dosage Psychosocial treatment Excellent experience in combination with residential treatment
Substitution drugs Very different legal situation within European countries Methadone – Buprenorphine Heroine maintenance – “perfect administration” Matching treatment towards clients needs special target groups / Vienna experience
MATCHING TREATMENT TO THE PATIENTS NEEDS SPECIAL PROGRAMMES Parents and Children Dual Diagnosis Adolescents Gender Oriented Treatment Ethnic Approach Geriatric Communities
CHANGE IN CONSUMPTION PATTERNS WHAT IST THE ANSWER TO Increasing consumption of cocaine Increasing consumption of methamphetamines Parallel -consumption of alcohol and stimulants in substitution programs
NECESSITIES Different settings for different types Anonymity essential Time factor needs focusing on behavioral aspects
CHALLENGES ADAPTING TREATMENT TO PATIENTS NEEDS Needs emerge during therapy Matching needs as they emerge Treatment not limited to a single inpatient intervention very clear for non-addiction diagnoses Making treatment attractive