WebQuest Presentation Our Solar System Sheldon Cox Jamie Lahey EDU505-SL1 Multimedia Internet for Educators
Overview This unit is design to give the teacher or students the freedom to select how they will learn about the solar system. Grades 6 – 8 Students will research information on a given planet via the Internet Web Links in this PowerPoint PresentationInternet Web Links The teacher can select one or all of the three of the following projects Fact Sheet Fact Sheet Writing Assignment Writing Assignment 3D Solar System Model 3D Solar System Model Each student will be assigned a planet by the teacher.
Timeline for all three activities Day 20 Post Final Grade Day 19 Solar System display Day 18 Solar System display Day 17 Assemble Materials Day 16 Assemble Materials Week 4 Day 15 Collect Materials Day 14 Collect Materials Day 13 Progress Conference with each group Day 12 Collect Materials Day 11 Collect Materials Week 3 Day 10 Research Planets Day 9 Writing Assignment Due Research Planets Day 8 Brain Storms on Solar System design Day 7 Brain Storms on Solar System design Day 6 Select / Assign Groups Week 2 Day 5 Writing assignment rough draft Day 4 Fact Sheet Due Day 3 Research Planets Day 2 Research Planets Day 1 Assigned a planet Week 1
Fact Sheet Assignment Using Microsoft Word, PowerPoint or a large bulletin board students will create a fact sheet of their assigned planet. The fact sheet must contain Bright colors Pictures Organized information Web Links
Fact Sheet Assignment Information in the fact sheet Size Weight Circumference Volume Location from sun (First, Second, Third, etc) Distance from sun Climate Weather Temperatures high and lows How long does it take to circle the sun Length of a Day Atmosphere How many moon Other
Writing Assignment Overview Due to high emission and other pollution the Earth will become uninhabitable in 100 years. As part of a team scientist your responsibility is to research one of the other eight planets and present what is required to relocate Earth inhabitants to your assigned planet.
Writing Assignment Write a two to three page paper Typed Doubled Space Fonts Size 12 Margin 1” at top and bottom Margin 1 ½ left and right Web Links Web Links
Writing Assignment Outline Introduction Name of the research company List of your qualification Planet Description Location to the sun Size Climate Surface Description Living condition Where would its new inhabitance live Required protection from elements Conclusion Is relocation on your planet feasible? Why or Why not?
Writing Assignment Rubric There are several grammatical mistakes even after feedback from an adult. There are 1-2 grammatical mistakes in even after feedback from an adult. There are no grammatical mistakes after feedback from an adult. There are no grammatical mistakes. Writing - Grammar Students appear to have little knowledge about the facts used in the writing assignment. Students can accurately answer most questions related to facts in the writing assignment. Student can accurately answer all questions related to facts in the writing assignment. Knowledge Gained Graphics do not go with the accompanying text or appear to be randomly chosen. Graphics go well with the text, but there are too few and the writing assignment seems "text-heavy". Graphics go well with the text, but there are so many that they distract from the text. Graphics go well with the text and there is a good mix of text and graphics. Graphics/Pictures Fewer than 80% of the facts in the writing assignment are accurate % of the facts in the writing assignment are accurate % of the facts in the writing assignment are accurate. All facts in the writing assignment are accurate. Content - Accuracy Several spelling errors in the writing assignment. No more than 3 spelling errors remain after one person other than the typist reads and corrects the writing assignment. No more than 1 spelling error remains after one person other than the typist reads and corrects the writing assignment. No spelling errors remain after one person other than the typist reads and corrects the writing assignment. Spelling & Proofreading There are several capitalization or punctuation errors in the writing assignment even after feedback from an adult. There are 1-2 capitalization and/or punctuation errors in the writing assignment even after feedback from an adult. Capitalization and punctuation are correct throughout the writing assignment after feedback from an adult. Capitalization and punctuation are correct throughout the writing assignment. Writing - Mechanics The authors do not incorporate new vocabulary. The authors try to use some new vocabulary, but may use 1-2 words incorrectly. The authors correctly use a few new words and define words unfamiliar to the reader. The authors correctly use several new words and define words unfamiliar to the reader. Writing - Vocabulary Less than half of the sections of the writing assignment have a clear beginning, middle and end. Most sections of the writing assignment have a clear beginning, middle and end. Almost all sections of the writing assignment have a clear beginning, middle and end. Each section in the writing assignment has a clear beginning, middle, and end. Writing - Organization 1234
Group Project Solar System Students will work in groups of 3 – 5 Design a 3D model of our solar system Working model that obits the sun Planets in order Models to scale of its planet Models looks like the planet Web Links
Group Project Solar System Rubric Most or all of the work was completed by one person Incomplete participation chart Work load wasn’t evenly delegated Completed participation chart Everyone participated evenly Participation Click this link for info Wasted time during class. Distracted others Very unorganized Needed constant reminders to stay on task Borrow items from other groups Had a little trouble getting organized. Used time well during each class period. Focused on getting the project done. Never distracted others. Use of class time Planets and moon are stationary Some of the planets move other are stationary. Works once Planets orbit sun Moon does not orbit planets Works more than once Planets obit the sun Moon orbits planets Orbiting None of the plants are to scale. Most calculations are incorrect and planets are not to scale. Some calculations are correct and most planets are to scale All calculations are correct and model is to scale. To scale Incomplete Poor presentation Can not stand on it own. Structure missing many components. Falls apart easily Structure contains most of solar systems components. Somewhat structurally sound Structure contains all of solar system components. Structurally sound Presentation 1234
Participation Chart Description Responsibilities Document your roll in the group project Contribution Document your contribution to the group project Ideas Materials Time Document the amount of time spent on the group project During class Outside of the classroom/After class hours Self Evaluation Self Evaluate your participation scale from 1 – 4 4 is the best score 1 is the worst score Click on this link to print participation chart
Participation Chart Materials 1 No Participation 2 Little participation 3 Somewhat active Hours Day Tot al Very active Self Evaluation 1 Time IdeasContribution Responsibilities Name ___________________
Web Links Astronomy For Kids Astronomy Picture of the Day Archive Kids Konnect – Planets Lunar phases web tool. 1. NASA - JPL Solar System Simulator Smartoon The Planets Adventure Solar System Exploration Planets StarChild A Learning Center for Young Astronomers The Nine Planets For Kids The Solar System — Infoplease.com World Builders 1 Chapter1 How to Design Your Solar System E Viau CSULA World Builders 1 Chapter1 How to Design Your Solar System E Viau CSULA ZOOM ASTRONOMY - Enchanted Learning Software ZOOM ASTRONOMY –Planets The Solar System
Conclusion The goal of this unit is to give the teacher and student freedom of choice. The teacher chose one or all three projects Students can choose the activity that appeals to them Upon completion all work must be posted or presented to the school. Encourage pride in students work Inform other Showcase the type of cool projects in the classroom