Conservation Assessment and Management Plan/ Prioritization (C.A.M.P. ) A methodology for Rapid Assessment of Conservation Status.


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Presentation transcript:

Conservation Assessment and Management Plan/ Prioritization (C.A.M.P. ) A methodology for Rapid Assessment of Conservation Status

Evolution of CAMP Workshops - Impetus Sir Peter Scott, Chairman, SSC, asked Dr. U. S. Seal, Chairman, CBSG to find a method of prioritizing species for zoo conservation. Early exercises Global level CAMPs for large taxon groups e.g. Primates, Antelopes of the world For plant species St. Helena’s Island CAMP Southern Indian Medicinal Plants CAMPs (4) Mexican Cactus CAMP Indian B.C.P.P. High altitude medicinal plants CAMP workshops for JMK & HP Medicinal plants CAMP workshops for AP & Maharashtra

CAMP Workshops Aid rapid assessment of conservation status and management prioritization through appraisal of available data on distribution, trends, habitat status, etc. with valuable inputs of experts (taxonomists, foresters, ecologists,...) based on their field observationsAid rapid assessment of conservation status and management prioritization through appraisal of available data on distribution, trends, habitat status, etc. with valuable inputs of experts (taxonomists, foresters, ecologists,...) based on their field observations Result in assignment of IUCN Red List categories to each of the assessed taxaResult in assignment of IUCN Red List categories to each of the assessed taxa Also record recommendations for research, management, information gathering, public awareness, and legislative activitiesAlso record recommendations for research, management, information gathering, public awareness, and legislative activities

MAIN FEATURES OF A CAMP WORKSHOP Experts (Field Botanists,Foresters, User group representatives, Knowledgeable local inhabitants etc.) are brought together for the workshop. Full 3 days exercise by all participants Accepted list of taxa, under assessment, divided into 4-5 sub-lists

4 - 5 Working groups formed with each one taking up a sub-list of 7 to 10 taxa. Each working group has a Facilitator and a Taxon Data sheet recorder. MAIN FEATURES OF A CAMP WORKSHOP

Each group prepares detailed compilation on assessment and recommendations, for each allotted Taxon based on the information generated by the group members. All working group assessments and recommendations are presented, reviewed, discussed and finalized for each Taxon in the plenary sessions. CAMP document is finalized after obtaining review/ comments, of participants and other experts, on the draft document. MAIN FEATURES OF A CAMP WORKSHOP

Decalepis hamiltonii WIGHT & ARN. (ASCLEPIADACEAE) Threat Status : Endangered (Globally)


Coscinium fenestratum (GAERTN.) COLEB. (MENISPERMACEAE) Threat Status : Critically Endangered (in KT, TN & KE)


Summary of results of 4 CAMP Workshops for Medicinal plants of Southern India (Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu) 1. A total of 110 taxa assessed (1995, 1996, 1997 and 1999) Habit-wise break up

2. 58 out of these are endemics and have been assigned Global RL status. Category-wise break up of Endemics

ISSUES FOR CONSIDERATION (Based on the experiences of 6 Med. Plant CAMP Workshops) INeed for undertaking “Regional” assessments for well defined geographical units. Whereas Global assessment of threat status of Taxa contribute to the formulation of guidelines and policies for conservation, it is the “Regional” threat status which prompts conservation action in a geographical region. For non-endemic Taxa, occurring over a wider geo-graphical area, the rapid “Regional” assessment of threat status is the only way for initiating urgent Conservation Action.

IINeed for enlistment of “Experts” and ensuring their participation. Without the participation of “Experts” (field botanists,foresters, local knowledgeable persons) with sufficient experience of field observations, in the region under consideration, the appropriate assessments cannot be made. ISSUES FOR CONSIDERATION (Based on the experiences of 6 Med. Plant CAMP Workshops) IIIHow to select plant Taxa, for threat assessment, systematically? Generally the selection is subjective After the obvious / spectacular candidates have been selected it is difficult to select additional Taxa for assessment.

ISSUES FOR CONSIDERATION (Based on the experiences of 6 Med. Plant CAMP Workshops) IV Need for refinement of CRITERIA for IUCN Red List Categories Problem of assessing “Population Reduction” over very long time period of 3 generations ( > 50 years for perennials). A large number of tree Taxa of tropics, especially those with narrow distribution, automatically qualify for threat status “Vulnerable” and above based on “Population Reduction” due to forest cover loss (exceeding 30 % over 50 years)

SUGGESTIONS FOR “REGIONAL” THREAT STATUS ASSESSMENTS I. (a) Need to follow internationally accepted standards for defining the geographical units for undertaking “Regional” assessments (following World Geographical Scheme for recording plant distributions by S. Hollis and R K Brummitt based on Plant Taxonomic Database Standards No.2, Version 1.0, Jan ‘92) (b) The “Regional” assessments need to be undertaken at the level of a “Basic recording unit” (more than one unit may be taken up at a time for threat assessment through a CAMP workshop.). In Indian context every State / UT / Island group corresponds to a basic recording unit.

SUGGESTIONS FOR “REGIONAL” THREAT STATUS ASSESSMENTS I. (c) In respect of non-endemic Taxa such “Regional” assessments, when pooled, can generate the “Global” assessment of threat status. II. Compilation of geographical unit-wise list of experts. III. Need for rigorous pre-CAMP data collection and compilation effort. Information on RANGE, DISTRIBUTION, EXTENT OF OCCURANCE (Global), TRADE (Quantities, Parts),HABITAT SPECIFICITY, FOREST COVER LOSS etc. needs to be collected and compiled from different sources by the organizers for undertaking a well informed CAMP workshop. Quantification of many of these parameters is essential through a pre-CAMP exercise. This helps “qualify” Taxa for assessment in a CAMP workshop.

Summing Up Comprehensive threat assessments need a large input of time and money. Use of rapid methods of assessment (CAMP process) is being advocated by Species Survival Commission (of IUCN) to guide timely conservation action. Need to urgently initiate rapid assessment process through CAMP Workshops for prioritized medicinal plants of each State