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Global Educational Partnerships and Community Cohesion How can Global Educational Partnerships and Community Cohesion inform one another? Two secondary schools investigated Jim Rogers Teaching and Educational Research Fellow Graduate School of Education
What?....and why? Me! Global dimension: Increased support (under Labour) for international partnerships between schools in England and abroad. (Dfid, 1997, 1998; DfES 2000,2005; QCA, 2007) Community Cohesion: Duty of all maintained schools to promote Community Cohesion. Education Act (Ajegbo, 2007; Cantle, 2006) Shared goals: Cultural dialogue, widening pupils horizons (Bourn, 2011)
The Research Questions The global educational partnership and Community Cohesion – To what extent is the global education partnership/ Community Cohesion embedded in the curriculum and the school development plan? – How do staff, students and community leaders view the partnership/Community Cohesion and to what extent are they engaged with it? The partnership and Community Cohesion: – To what extent (if at all) do staff, students, and community leaders see links between the global education partnership and Community Cohesion? – What factors facilitate or hinder the development of links between global education partnerships and Community Cohesion?
Methodological principals Interpretive, qualitative study of two parallel case-study schools, both secondary comprehensives in England. 1.Case Study 2.Flexible & Exploratory 3.Emergent and Iterative Participants include staff, senior management, pupils and members of contributing community groups.
Methods Interviews Document analysis Observation Pilot study
Initial findings Lone Rangers Support from Above Ethos Lacking Culture The Ticked Box What but not How A Missing Link
What next? Politically: Change in Government...New Ofsted framework, Curriculum Review. Purpose and impact? What should be the purpose of the research? What impact could it potentially have?
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References Ajegbo, K. (2007) Curriculum Review: Diversity and Citizenship. DFES Bourn, D. & Hunt, F. (2011) Global Dimension in Secondary Schools. DERC. CANTLE, T. (2006) Challenging Local Communities to Change Oldham. Institute of Community Cohesion. Coventry University. DCSF/CLG (2007) Guidance on the Duty to Promote Community Cohesion. London: Department for Children, Schools and Families. Department for Education and Skillls (DfES) (2000, 2005) Developing a Global Dimension to the School Curriculum, London, DfES. DFES (2004) Putting the World into World-Class Education. DFES Denzin, N.K. & Lincoln, Y.S. (eds) Handbook of Qualitative Research (1994) Sage, Thousand Oaks. DFID (1998) Building Support for International Development, London, DFID. Independent Review Team (2001) Community Cohesion. A Report of the Independent Review Team, Chaired by Ted Cantle. London: Home Office Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA) (2007) The Global Dimension in Action, London, QCA. Yin, R.K. (1994) Case Study Research Design and Methods, 2nd edn. Thousand Oaks, California. Sage