27/6/05 Frascati1 M. Bonesini INFN Milano MICE TOF stations updates
27/6/05 Frascati2 Preliminary considerations Background: MICE for INFN is on track approval, this means that we have got funds for TOF0 prototypes, EMCAL prototypes now only for 2006 (~310 KE on a 415 KE request) In practice: funds are for specific items, they are not an experiment budget: ie I cannot easily move from one item to the other (eg from PMTs to trigger modules) Funds cover all TOF0 items up to cable: eg no electronics& calibration system, but counters, mechanics, pmts A serious final planning cannot be done now
27/6/05 Frascati3 Aim of TOF stations TOF0 experiment trigger TOF0/TOF1 PID on incoming muons TOF1/TOF2 PID on particle traversing the cooling channel Requirements: oSingle detector resolution ~60 ps oHigh rate capability oSustain nearby B fringe fields This has been questioned by INFN referees, so simulation work is needed on this corner
27/6/05 Frascati4 Short term planning The idea is to freeze the design of TOF0 by November (PMTS+ scint counters): some money has to be spent by end 2005, if not it will evaporate Tests are under way for PMTs (choice of partition chain) and Scintillator type (cosmics) BUT I need urgently some inputs, if NOT I have to assume OLD numbers maybe wrong
27/6/05 Frascati5 TOF0 simulation in my hand With 4 cm width slabs max counter rate seems < KHz. R4998 maybe OK with booster or active divider circuit (studies under way)
27/6/05 Frascati6 What is needed If NEW beam (Aug 05) I need 1. X,Y beam profiles at TOF0 as rates/cm 2 (Hz/cm 2 ) 2. A table with rates/cm 2 x,y with step of 1 cm 2 To decide the geometrical size of TOF0 ( present dimensions 48 x 4 x 2.5 cm 3 for 12 counters/plane)
27/6/05 Frascati7 B field current assumption for TOF0, validated recently by a mail by Kevin, B is well below 50 gauss I need the B field components along the PMT axis and orthogonal to the PMT axis
27/6/05 Frascati8 For TOF1/TOF2 more relaxed schedule presently we are testing fine-mesh PMTs at LASA what is needed is: B field components along/ perpendicular to PMT axis at TOF1/TOF2 X,Y beam profile (rate/cm 2 ) at TOF1/TOF2